Well, four beasts will be in the title, hopefully that will engage people to read up on it a little more 
I'm curious to know what others think. When you first glance at the box or title, what comes to mind?
If you're expecting Americans to read, you've got two strikes against you already!
There's truth to the statement, "If you want to keep a secret, write it in a book," particularly when applied to modern American culture.
All that comes to mind when I see the current box design is "Asian culture" - it looks like an Asian design, but that's as far as that goes. Any beast imagery is way too small to grab the attention of a casual observer.
I think Don is right, I need to emphasise its not jus a dragon deck.
Need to focus on it as Chinese FOUR BEASTS.
Maybe when I showcase the deck in kickstarted I will put more elements like the turtle tiger and bird rather than the dragon.
I would suggest taking a design that's closer to your diptych joker and making THAT your box art - and make it big and colorful. Then we can see the art up front and know it's not just dragons.
A landscape-oriented piece of art like that would look gorgeous on a side-loading tuck box!
Picture this: a four-creature art spread on the box side without the tuck opening - it looks great and is entirely unbroken. No words, no nothing, just that beautiful art spread. On the opposite side, the tuck flap that's exposed can have the deck's title, while the remainder of that side of the box can have the card back design on it.
I think it would look gorgeous.
In fact, if you ask me, this entire design could do with some more color. I love the art, but in just two colors it comes across as a bit flat.