Who's ready for some photos?
I got my Infinity decks from Jason Brumbalow this morning and I've been dying to open the deck, take some (admittedly horrible) pictures and share them with you guys and girls!
Feast your eyes. Metallic red and gold inks, lots of card back detail, unique yet familiar card faces, a joker reveal and a box that's been embossed twelve ways to Sunday - it really looks like a little black box with metal covers on the corners... They're COOL, people!
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.294778150553926.75371.200493403315735&type=1Forgive the bad image quality - and the missing first "club suit" photo.
PS: PUH-LEEZE like my fan page so I can get a customized FB url!
Happy Thanksgiving, I'll catch up on posts when I've snagged some Black Crowns and not a moment sooner! VICTOREEEEEEEE, or DEATH!!!