It should also be noted that while the White Monarchs have a gold-on-white back design, the Silver Monarchs have a black-on-white design.
The original Monarch decks are white-on-navy, and the Gold Monarchs (extremely rare, only 144 survived the print run being destroyed) is gold-on-(either black or navy, not sure which). If you want to see WHY T11 destroyed the lot, take a look at the back of the Misc. Goods Co. deck. It utilized a gold-on-black scheme like the Gold Monarchs, but the gold is absolutely overpowered by the black.
The only difference between a regular Monarch deck and a Gold Monarch is the direction of the pull-tab on the cellophane tear strip - it was reversed when wrapping the Gold Monarchs. The box is identical to a regular Monarchs box.