Anyway, one fb user commented on E's photo: "If any one remembers correctly, someone asked for a white artifice deck possibly and brad said: "careful of what you wish for" and left it at that."
Not sure where he got that from but I gotta say its looking more like the White Artifice rather than Seasons.
In which case, why the mention of winter? And I don't recall the Artifice deck having the "Ellusionist Playing Card Co." logo on the side or the top of the box - this looks like it's on the top. All the Artifice releases to date haven't had that logo, and they've kept the same basic design through all the iterations of the deck. Even up to that regrettable purple - nice back, disastrous faces. Even the Black Club deck is somewhat flawed - the reds are dull white and the blacks are a light gray, making them tougher to distinguish from each other. Anyway, what they have had was the old E logo on the left side of the bottom panel, and it would stand to reason that they'd keep the design consistent, so even if they did update it to have the new firebird logo, it would be in the same place, the left side of the bottom of the tuck box. The firebird logo in the photo is on the right.
The white tuck box does look "Artifice-y", I'll grant you, but there are alterations to the basic Artifice design. I'm not saying it's impossible, but I am saying they're talking about WINTER IS COMING and we know they're working on at least one project with Alex Chin/Seasons Playing Cards, a project that's been in the works for several months - pushing a year, at this point. It just seems more logical. The talk was, as far as I know, that he was doing a special deck for E, and that at some point he'd be making his "winter" and "summer" decks, but there was no time table and no mention of whether they'd be a team-up with E as well. Alex told me when the Gold Edition decks were being released that he was approached by E to do the entire series with them but that he was already tied up with another business partner and it was a slightly complicated situation.
I'm thinking Seasons Winter deck.