I'm trying to cobble together a design guide for playing cards (yes, I promise to post it for suggestions and revisions) and would like to hear everybody's favorite fonts to use for the indexes (indices). Obviously, tall, not too wide, and easy to read fonts are preferred.
It's a big challenge, making that guide. There's enough "variances" that for some, they'd consider the guide useless. But, for a first-time designer, it's actually a good idea to have a guide to follow.
Fonts/typefaces definitely depend on the design. By and large, a professional design won't have a cookie-cutter typeface - they'll create one specifically for the deck or they'll use an existing standard (USPC, Arrco, Hoyle, etc.). My general preference would be for a minimally-serif or sans-serif font, easily read. A common design choice for professionally-designed cards is to use sans-serif numbers - and specifically, to properly center the "10" over its pip. It's the only two-digit card value and handling that seems to throw some designers off. Also, in my opinion, it's best to specifically design the "6" and "9" so they're not identical when rotated 180 degrees. It reduces the likelihood for confusing them.