Your description is way too vague for us to give you good, accurate suggestions. For example you imply that you love Ellusionist decks, whereas i would only recommend Rounders, Dealers and LTD as i dislike the whole Arcane/Artifice (except Artifice Tundra) series. Preference is entirely subjective! You might like simplicity, complexity, fantasy-like etc etc. Not to say that those are mutually exclusive, but you need to give us a bit more information for us to give you accurate suggestions!
Search up different ends of the stylistic spectrum such as NOC, Mana, Brite Neon (lel :p), Curator, Federal 52, etc etc and give us a better idea of what style you're going after.
Personally, i love elegance and sophistication/class so my favourite decks tend to convey those themes and the colours associated with it (Shades of premium blue, white and black). Examples include: Mana, JAQK, Aurum, Rounders, Monarchs, Blue Crown luxury, Smoke and Mirrors v5 just to name a few.