I built an excel spreadsheet that I use for now. I joined Portfolio52, but I find it too basic for any productive use. Yeah, you can see what you have an how many at a glance, but it doesn't specify open vs sealed, cost, value, date acquired, etc. Too many things it doesn't have to list. I think it's a cool idea and I hope it continues to succeed, but I want more out my collection database/inventory. I want to be able to produce reports based on defined entries as I see fit. That being said, I'm now in the process of learning Access, so I can have a database that satisfies my need for lots of information.
As far as photos go, I don't bother taking my own photos. I download the KS photos or whatever each company provides online and have them all backed up and categorized in Google Drive. I considered taking my own photos, but there are decks that I'm not willing to open, so there would always be some missing.