I'm Carolyn from PA. I recently got hooked on cards via Kickstarter - had read Name of the Wind a long time ago and liked it a lot, backed that deck and started seeing others. Then, well, there are all these other neat card designs..... and maybe even the (remote?) possibility of learning a few new skills. I had no idea what an interesting ecosystem playing cards inhabit.
I should explain my screen name, from a previous hobby - also mostly but also by no means completely a Domain of Men. Autocross is the parking lot/cones/racing thing and I did it (mostly slowly) for about ten years, during which I did a lot of driving schools. At one of these my husband and co-driver both did the school the day before me and completely wore out the tires. As a result I drove the whole day on corded tires, ie, on the bare steel. Now that was exciting.
You all have a good forum here. Looking forward to learning more.