#1 As I see this ! Learning to cheat is a form of magic ! False deals ! sleight of hand ! deception ! So on that note ! Lets talk ! Lets start with the second deal ! How much of a breach should you use ? hand angles , etc.
You don't seem to understand the proper use of this forum, Ed. We really try not talking too much about the actual nuts-and-bolts of a method, unless it's something terribly simple and basic like a double lift or something. If you want to name sleights, great, but don't go too much into the actual mechanics of how it's done. For that, you might consider asking if someone will discuss it with you via PM. And yes, I understand there's a lot of people revealing tricks all over the Internet, particularly on YouTube - but that's not here, and a lot of what kids on YouTube are teaching is erroneous to some degree anyway.