I'm steadily closing in on my 10,000th post, making me the first member to hit five digits, so I thought having a contest would be in order.
It's simple - make a post here with the exact date and time, to the second, in Eastern Daylight Time, that you think I'll reach my 10,000th post. You may post once every twenty-four hours - early/excess posts get deleted. You may not post a time that is already posted. Contest ends when my 10,000th post is saved and posted.
The prizes:
Closest guess, over or under, gets an autographed deck of Bicycle Rider Backs from me, color of my choice.
If two people guess correctly, one over and one under, both get the prize.
If th winning choice is within one hour of the 10,000th post, you get a red/blue pair of Walmart "sideways" Bicycle Rider Backs, autographed.
Hit the exact second, I'll throw in a rare deck of my choice from my collection, no autograph, to retain resale/trade value.
In the event of a single winner, I'll hold a random "wild card" sweepstakes drawing for all other players, the winner to receive an autographed Bicycle Rider Back deck, color of my choice.
Winners may get the autograph on the cellophane, on the box or unsigned; winner's choice.
Any questions? OK, guess away!