8/27/2013 10:24:29 am
dang don you shot up your post rate today.
That's because a) I was away from the keyboard for a weekend and b) Maskedfreakinabox and I were playing post tag for a while last night - "I posted, you're it; now I posted, you're it; etc."
And THIS IS MY 10,000TH POST! I'll have to edit it after I post it to determine the winner.
For the under, John B. is the winner with a guess of 08/27/13 10:24:29.
For the over, John B. is ALSO the winner, with a guess of 08/27/13 14:35:00! Helps to guess early and often, right?
According to the rules, this means that since there's only one winner with the guesses, the other winner is determined by a random drawing of all the participants - one entry per person. I'll take care of that and post the results in the next post...
BTW: I'm feeling generous, so BOTH winners will receive a WalMart two-deck Rider Back set! For those who don't remember
the topic on it, this is a two-deck set of standard Bicycle Rider Backs made especially for WalMart in late 2011, sold out at some point in early 2012. The cards are 100% standard, but the box is unique - the back of the box has the "Standard" box front on it, while the front of the box has the Bicycle logo printed landscape style to match the color of the deck (red or blue). All the other surfaces of the box are standard in appearance. The sets were cellophane-wrapped with the decks side-by-side, allowing the buyer to see both sides of the deck box - the decks aren't individually wrapped. It's not an exceptionally rare model, but it is unique, was made in limited quantities and has been sold out for roughly a year, making it perfect for the completist collector. Or you can just crack 'em open and play with 'em...
John B. - I probably have your address but it would be faster if you gave it to me again via PM and let me know if you want autographs on each unwrapped deck, an autograph on the sealed set or no autograph.