Guys, I'm new to cards industry though planning to make own deck at top notch quality.
So, what material you guys recommend me to use, to make this deck functional (meant to be played)?
P.S. so hard to sign up on this forum
Welcome to the Discourse.
The forum is a little tough to get into because we work hard to keep spammers and bots out.
It might be beneficial for you to check out this topic first, the later posts in particular, as they have the most recent, updated information: up the information in there, and you might just answer your own question. But if you don't, you'll at least have a clearer idea of what to ask.
I recommend that while you're doing that, poke around the recent posts in the other topics and create an "Introduce Yourself" topic to let people get to know you a little and say hi. We're pretty friendly around here and don't bite much.