Monarchs vs Fed 52, that's a decent match-up. I'll make this one a bit short, no point in going on and on. Monarchs have a better box in my opinion, probably one of the best tuck cases on a deck of cards. Federal 52 executes its theme significantly better than the Monarch deck does, Fed 52 is fully custom like it should be. The faces of the Monarchs, and most Theory 11 decks, are depressingly standard with the occasional darkening of the reds and intensifying of the golds. The back design of the Monarchs is simple by comparison with the Federal 52 back, the "bank note" look is extremely detailed. From a design standpoint, I would pick the Federal 52 decks. I think artistically, they are superior to the Monarchs in nearly every way. However, I am a flourisher and the Fed 52 decks just aren't my style. I'll pick the Monarchs ONLY because I would actually use them, and not the Fed 52s. Annoying decision, but I've got to go on personal preference rather than speaking in general.