In release: Ace Fulton's Casino, red and blue.
A deck that caught me by surprise: Pr1me Playing Cards, Series 001, new "2nd Edition" printing with upgraded artwork, better tuck box and improved card consistency in handling. IT's supposed to have quality on par with the Pr1me Sketch deck. Additionally, it appears that Pr1me is working on new deck projects as well. Thank you to 52Cartes/Remi for that information.
I'm predicting that there will be a big slowdown in Kickstarter deck projects (or at least fewer successful ones) between now and year's end. Any deck started now won't be finished fundraising until December and will get ignored in everyone's holiday rush, especially factoring in that there's no way on Earth it would be ready for holiday gift-giving unless they used a printer other than USPC, and even that's not a certainty. Any deck started much later than that will end its project in January, when everyone's working to pay off the holiday excesses and is in no mood to spend. They'd have better odds of success heading into February deadlines.
Kickstarter Projects Forecast
Ending this week (21 Oct - 27 Oct)
TUE: Redesigned SPPC - likely to fail.
FRI: Key West - regrettably likely to fail; designer is looking into other ways to fund it.
Ending next week (28 Oct - 3 Nov)
SUN: Elements - nowhere near its goal.
WED: Asylum - moderately successful, may hit 150%+.
THU (late Wed in U.S.): Mythos Necro - very successful, I see this ending at around 325%.
THU: Misc. Goods - an unstoppable juggernaut, sucking all the air out of the market!
FRI: Black Tie - it's really on the cusp and could go either way, will be a close one.
Ending the week after (4 Nov - 10 Nov)
MON: Bohemia - big success, could go to 400%+, higher if it gets more media coverage.
Ending later
SAT 17 NOV: Heraldry - if it keeps up the current pace, could be a moderate success.
SUN 25 NOV: Compass - could make it, but needs more momentum.