Another colour for the floral deck to add to their red and black. The following information is taken from their website...
"Purple Floral Deck Coming soon.
I feel so pleased to inform you that we will launch the first self-defined card project in 2013 - Greap Purple Floeal deck.
In the work of 2012, we have achieved a great success. Thank you for your support of Aloys Studio.
Purple Floral deck is designed and modified by Yolanda. The small changes are reflected in the Tuck case and the color.
These decks will be launched at 8:00pm (EST) on September 27 (next Saturday).
Most decks have been sold out. We just keep 432 decks for sales in out shop.
The Floral Decks will have the following features:
*100% custom artwork ( more than 1800 hours spent on the design )
*Metallic ink on Tuckbox, backs, and faces
*Thick tuck paper
*Custom deck seal
*Printed metallic color on the inside and outside of the tuck
We will offer huge privilege for you in this new project.
Retail price: 12.95USD per deck
15% discount for purchase of 6 decks
20% discount for purchase of 12 decks
The discount will be valid within 20 hours.
In addition, our studio has released a luxury Up pad .
The product is made of authentic Italian cowhide and authentic silk velvet.
The front silk velvet will ensure that the magicians can perform card, coin, cup, ball and other micromagic smoothly.
Placed on the table, the back cowhide can effectively prevent skidding to ensure the successful performance.
This product is produced completely by hand with high quality and without any visible thread residue and joint on the surface. With a perfect appearance, it will be a special accessory loved by the magicians.
If you buy our new decks worth at least 280USD, we will give a luxury Up pad for you as a gift. We only provide 10 Up-pads."