I'm having a real beef with these hack job Halloween-theme decks coming out SO close to Halloween.
I know it's at the forefront of everyone's minds as it's one the next major Christian holidays, but the project and printing will make it so that these decks won't get dispatched until into the new year.
If these people were thinking straight, they'd be advertising these much earlier. That way you can say that this will allow people to have them for Halloween. I guarantee you that all the Christmas-themed decks will already have been submitted and approved by the printers for manufacture and distribution for the Christmas season.
'Creepy' did this too. I don't want my cards to arrive in February, I want hem for Halloween so that they can be used in drinking games that result in us being so drunk, we spend all of the 1st of November as ghouls. Brain-dead beings with a deep-rooted fear of bright light.