My thoughts, not having yet seen the video, is that they'll make the gaffs for their basic decks - v2 blue and green. Technically, they don't consider purple to be v3 - it's just another deck, just as the Artifice Tundra is. It's possible they'll include Tundra and purple, but I doubt sincerely they'd make it for v1 blue - the deck is out of print, just like the v1 red. Now that I think of it, even purple is an unlikely choice - which version of purple would they use? Purple had one pip style in the initial release and now has a different pip style. Everyone who "invested" in first edition purple would be pretty miffed, despite it now technically being an out of print style.
Oh, and no gaffs for Black Club, either. It's too bloody rare right now. At best we might see a stray gaff card or two for it in one of the "regular" gaff decks. Most likely appearance would be as a two-color double-backer.
And no, they won't make a v2 red without people getting all feisty about how they promised they'd never make a v2 red to "preserve the value" of the v1 red. Personally, I can't see how it would affect the value at all - it's like saying the value of Black Ghost First Edition is somehow diminished by the creation of the Second Edition. There's no correlation between the two.
The big question for me is, "Will they make a separate deck for each color, or a single deck with a few colors in it?" On the one hand, getting separate decks means that people can have more gaff decks to choose from, but on the other hand, making one deck covering two or three colors might boost the sales of those colors. The little question for me is, "Will they create a new gaff DVD for this?" I'm thinking yes. They could have attempted shoe-horning in enough gaffs from the Army of 52 DVD to let that suffice, but this is a fresh opportunity for them, and this deck will likely have some gaffs you've never seen before, thanks to the creative team working on it. So yeah, new DVD. And this time they won't have USPC forcing them to change the decks because of altered Rider backs - they did that for Black Tiger, Bicycle and both Ghost decks. I have some of the old gaff decks and the new Black Tiger ones - the BTs have new cards that aren't on the Army of 52 DVD or in the other decks to replace those with altered backs.