The League Backs are a nice deck, but not the best choice for everyday use - depending on just what you're using them for. If it's cardistry, no big deal, they're fine. If it's magic or poker, they have a rather obvious one-way design on the back - note the bicycle wheel with three wings in the center of the card. That design is nearly a hundred years old, and was replaced when USPC realized people were taking advantage of the design - it was the logo of a group which I think was called the American Wheelmen's Association. It was replaced with a four-winged wheel.
Quality-wise, there's been no known issues with Cincinnati-made decks such as this. This was a mass-produced deck, probably made on the web press, and the web press was still in decent condition when they shut the plant down - it was the sheet-fed press that was being held together with spit, rubber bands and wishful thinking. They were likely made at a higher quality control level than present-day Bikes and on a slightly heavier stock - older Bicycle stock used for projects like this was about 325 gsm while the newer stuff for mass-production is about 300 gsm.