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Bicycle Kingdoms of a New World (KS)

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Bicycle Kingdoms of a New World (KS)
« on: October 24, 2013, 03:35:42 AM »


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A fantasy themed custom deck of playing cards by Nathanael Mortensen. Printed by USPCC. Bicycle branded. Kickstarter.

Kickstarter link:

1 set of Blue and Red decks along with 1 Limited edition 'dark edition' with colour changed courts/back (Limited to 10,000 decks).

Judge yourself on the art. I don't think i need to stress how elegant and impressive it is. Various pictures attached below.

Goal of $18,000 is going to be absolutely raped. I foresee this project going well above the $100k mark.

Get in quick for the limited deck pledge tiers if you're interested! Prices are very reasonable.

Project description quoted directly from the Kickstarter page.

The New World playing cards was inspired from my previous work experience with Jonas Akerlund on Dragon's Hoard. I and many others instantly fell in love with the art that came to life because of backers like you through a kickstarter campaign much like this one.

After Dragon's Hoard was sent to the printers, I was ready to start a new project. I contacted Jonas, and asked him what he thought about creating a deck of 54 playing cards together. He was so excited that it became his pride and joy project. A short while later, Jonas sent me a handful of his favorite sketches. I was blown away. Jonas enriched the ideas I sent him and added his own incredible influence to build a playing card deck I'm very proud to be a part of. And now, I'm very excited to be presenting it to all of you.

« Last Edit: October 24, 2013, 04:44:17 AM by Fred »
Alex, stop fucking with my name you phegget. xx

Re: Kingdoms of a New World Playing Cards Printed by USPCC. Bicycle branded.
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2013, 08:21:05 AM »


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Loving these cards. The level of detail is amazing.  :D

Also, definitely agree with your point on reasonable pricing. Opted for the 3 of each tier, which means that each deck (including Int shipping) equates to US$9.44. I'd be a real fool to pass that up.
Who wants to play '52 Card Pickup'?

Re: Kingdoms of a New World Playing Cards Printed by USPCC. Bicycle branded.
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2013, 08:47:23 AM »


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Fantastic....i'm really starting to see that I may have to fine tune my choices, just so many wonderful decks coming along. In on this one for sure!

Re: Kingdoms of a New World Playing Cards Printed by USPCC. Bicycle branded.
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2013, 09:48:41 AM »

Don Boyer

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Fantastic....i'm really starting to see that I may have to fine tune my choices, just so many wonderful decks coming along. In on this one for sure!

What - you're having trouble finding crappy decks?  :))

This will have broader appeal - fantasy gamers will get a kick out of owning them as well.  Well timed, and the art's looking good so far.  I want to see what they're doing with the spot cards, though.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Kingdoms of a New World Playing Cards Printed by USPCC. Bicycle branded.
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2013, 10:49:35 AM »


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What - you're having trouble finding crappy decks?  :))
I'm hoping I'm getting better at distinguishing between the two....but, then again, I have been known to like things others hate  ;)

Re: Kingdoms of a New World Playing Cards Printed by USPCC. Bicycle branded.
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2013, 12:58:54 AM »

Rob Wright

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I like the deck, but something is not adding up.

No where on the project does it say Bicycle branded. They do show the logo, and beside it says "PLAYING CARDS PRINTED BY BICYCLE"
No tuck designs

As for this new project, I have talked with Bicycle, and I know what is needed to get the deck printed and delivered on schedule.

The estimated delivery date is July 2014- and he "talked with Bicycle"?

Enter a New World with this stunning deck of 54 playing cards.
I was ready to start a new project. I contacted Jonas, and asked him what he thought about creating a deck of 54 playing cards together.

USPC decks are 56 cards

There will only be 10,000 limited edition decks ever printed.

That is a lot for Limited- + 2 unlimited decks- Most KS projects are lucky to sell 2500 decks total. Even big projects don't come close to this-example Jacksons Fed52 part 1 did just under 15,000 for 4 different decks.

Just as a design note- all of the courts will need to be redone. The Heads, horns, hats are too close to the edge.

2 of each design(6 decks) for $50= $8.34 each
3 of each design(9 Decks) for $65=$7.22 each
Postal rates going up in Jan. Seems a little too good of a deal, or just not enough homework.

His first project "Dragon's Hoard " was due to be shipped in July 2013

Creator Nathanael Mortensen. on Apr 29 

Dear Backers,

The game is already available for pre-order at Funagain Games. After the games are shipped out to all of you, anyone who wants a copy can buy one from any retailer who caries Dragon's Hoard.

When does the game ship to all of you? The games will ship in September. The prints will ship as soon as all the artwork is finished. The reason we are not shipping in July is because of all the stretch goals during the campaign. The artwork is almost finished, and the game will be going to the manufacturer early June. Thank you all again for backing my project and going with me on this adventure.
Update #40
Sep 23, 2013

New Proofs Will Arrive This Week.

Dear Backers,

I'm waiting on the updated proofs to come which will arrive this week. I have my fingers crossed, and I hope they are amazing. Once I approve the proofs they will start printing Dragon's Hoard immediately. As for shipping, my hope and dream is to send all of you the games by christmas. I'm going to try very hard to make that happen.
Update #41
Sep 29, 2013

Proofs and Pictures
Dear Backers,

Here are some pictures of the most recent proofs. I'm very pleased with them. The pictures don't do them justice, but I wanted to share this exciting moment with all of you.

I have enjoyed all of the comments, and I'm moved by all the support I have continued to receive. This project wouldn't be possible without all of you, and I'm very grateful. Thanks again for backing it.

I hope you all enjoy the photos. The game will start printing soon!

The game will be printing soon?

I like the deck, and want to back- just too many red flags right now
Last night I stayed up late playing poker with Tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died.

 Steven Wright
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Re: Kingdoms of a New World Playing Cards Printed by USPCC. Bicycle branded.
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2013, 02:06:59 AM »


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As for this new project, I have talked with Bicycle, and I know what is needed to get the deck printed and delivered on schedule.

The estimated delivery date is July 2014- and he "talked with Bicycle"?
Probably learned from his previous project. Said July 2013, then got pushed back to September (delay of proof delivery). Project got delayed again to Nov 2013 because the proof wasn't correct.

Jackson even said it for Fed 52 - he would rather have a later delivery date in case any errors pop up during production. Uusi missed their Bohemia deck delivery date because of 2 USPCC errors.

His first project "Dragon's Hoard " was due to be shipped in July 2013

I like the deck, and want to back- just too many red flags right now
My notes on his updates
July 19 - Game files sent to printers.
Aug 17 - update mention printing company putting together a proof.
Sept 5 - Proof arrives. Doesn't like it - a little too dark. Sent back an update to printer.
Sept 23 - New proof on delivery.
Sept 29 - Proof arrives, confirmed. Faster turnaround could be due to ink adjustment. Printing probably starts.

July 2013 was way too early for his previous project since he hadn't even sent the artwork to the printers.

Turnaround for receiving the decks is around 2 months after the proofs have been confirmed.
Uusi's Royal Optik - Contract signed on July 9 (slowdown due to holidays). Decks arrive Aug 17.
Whispering Imps - Proof confirmed on Aug 22. Decks arrived early Oct.
Federal 52 - Proofs arrived May 22. Decks shipped from USPCC in early August.

If he hadn't learned from his previous project, that would be an even bigger red flag. As it is, it sounds like he's made adjustments in his timeline based on his past experience.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2013, 02:08:53 AM by verloren »

Re: Kingdoms of a New World Playing Cards Printed by USPCC. Bicycle branded.
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2013, 08:53:27 AM »

Don Boyer

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Two months is a reasonable turnaround - at USPC.  This prior project of his doesn't look like a USPC deck to me.  He's probably using some discount printer in China - getting the ducks in a row half-way around the world can be challenging.

Still, it's worth keeping an eye on.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Some of the most beautiful illustrations on a deck of bicycle playing cards.
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2013, 03:23:50 AM »


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If you like collecting bicycle quality poker playing cards, check out this kickstarter deck. The artwork is amazing!
« Last Edit: October 26, 2013, 03:26:07 AM by thinkingsimple »


Don Boyer

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If you like collecting bicycle quality poker playing cards, check out this kickstarter deck. The artwork is amazing!

Welcome to the boards, Thinkingsimple.

A topic already exists for this deck - please don't make new ones.

Merging them now.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2013, 05:31:43 AM by Don Boyer »
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Bicycle Kingdoms of a New World (KS)
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2013, 09:28:52 AM »


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Awesome art and really well done.

Basic Red Flags to watch out for.

His pledge goal is for $18,000

$18,000 only covers the cost of the production of 2 unique decks. That amount includes NO money for shipping and his shipping rates are an easy $2-$5 to low for each reward tier. I haven't seen the tuck yet so I can't say make any judgments on the price per deck but at a price point of $11 per deck and also charging to low for international shipping his profit margins are honestly non existant. In all honesty, he will be taking in the teeth for this project and I hope that he is prepared for it.
Jackson Robinson

Re: Bicycle Kingdoms of a New World (KS)
« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2013, 11:15:03 PM »

Don Boyer

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Awesome art and really well done.

Basic Red Flags to watch out for.

His pledge goal is for $18,000

$18,000 only covers the cost of the production of 2 unique decks. That amount includes NO money for shipping and his shipping rates are an easy $2-$5 to low for each reward tier. I haven't seen the tuck yet so I can't say make any judgments on the price per deck but at a price point of $11 per deck and also charging to low for international shipping his profit margins are honestly non existant. In all honesty, he will be taking in the teeth for this project and I hope that he is prepared for it.

While it's not impossible that he's putting private funds into the project and hoping to recoup his costs selling the remaining decks at retail, it's more likely that he's yet another KS project creator that failed to take into account all of the expenses needed to pull the job off.

So yeah, I concur on those red flags!

Thinkingsimple - is it safe to assume that this is your deck project?
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Bicycle Kingdoms of a New World (KS)
« Reply #12 on: November 25, 2013, 03:39:07 PM »


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WEll... it looks like they're Bicycle branded  :)

To see more amazing photos, click this link

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Re: Bicycle Kingdoms of a New World (KS)
« Reply #13 on: November 25, 2013, 03:46:40 PM »


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Yeah they funded yesterday...I decided to wait for these to come out and did not pledge

Re: Bicycle Kingdoms of a New World (KS)
« Reply #14 on: November 26, 2013, 12:07:45 AM »

Don Boyer

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Yeah they funded yesterday...I decided to wait for these to come out and did not pledge

Doesn't look like there will be a shortage.  The "limited edition" deck is a print run of 10,000 and the other two are unlimited.  I have to say, it looks nice.  I just wish I wasn't holding off until I get a new car to make a lot of purchases - but then again, you can't own every deck you want, right?  When the collection gets big enough, you no longer own it - it owns you!
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Bicycle Kingdoms of a New World (KS)
« Reply #15 on: November 26, 2013, 12:15:52 AM »


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Hehehe  I think since last year i do own every deck  and yes my collection does own me. I can't barely walk in my office I have so many decks strewn about

Re: Bicycle Kingdoms of a New World (KS)
« Reply #16 on: November 26, 2013, 01:11:09 AM »

Don Boyer

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Hehehe  I think since last year i do own every deck  and yes my collection does own me. I can't barely walk in my office I have so many decks strewn about

You need to get yourself organized!

These hold 5,000 baseball cards - or 125 decks of playing cards:

This 9,600-card box probably holds about 475-480 decks.;jsessionid=FBCEC574ABEBD70F3EA2DF269B142794.m1plqscsfapp06?gclid=CPu8h-PigbsCFUpnOgodV28Aag

This is just one of a large series of modular drawer units from Staples:
The units can be completely dismantled - each drawer is a self-contained, stackable unit, and each set comes with a tray-like lid piece with little dividers, like a huge bento box with no lid.  They also have these great drawer stays - drawers don't fall out easily when pulled, but can be easily removed with a gentle squeeze on the sides.  The only drawback to the design is that you can only pull the drawers out just past half-way - any deeper and you have to remove it, but as I said, easy process.  The short drawers hold 45 decks each, maximum.  The tall drawers can hold much more than double, but it's a lot less organized.  If you get them, DON'T install the wheels, since they'll just break, and don't stack them more than 12 short drawers or 6 tall ones or some combination of the same height - the playing cards will put too much of a strain on the unit at that point.  I stuck felt pads on the bottoms so I can slide them on a wood floor, but it has to be done CAREFULLY.

My present configuration is eight of the 5,000-count drawers, all but one completely filled to capacity, and two shelving units, each consisting of two tall drawers at the bottom with eight short drawers above them.  I reserve the big drawers mostly for magic decks and for miscellaneous magic-related souvenirs, stickers, patches, dice - oh, and for boxed sets that won't fit in the boxes.  They aren't filled to the gills, but many of the drawers are - I use those units for opened or magic decks and the boxes for sealed decks.  I also have a plastic tub I need to sort through...  I estimate the total at around 1,700-1,800 decks.

I use the boxes also to hold flattened brick boxes, but now that I think of it, I could probably use them for holding unrolled uncut sheets!  Eureka!
« Last Edit: November 26, 2013, 01:16:32 AM by Don Boyer »
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Bicycle Kingdoms of a New World (KS)
« Reply #17 on: November 26, 2013, 01:43:31 AM »


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Such a pity with this deck, the artwork is truly stunning. But there are too many little signs of things that might go wrong, didnt pledge but will wait for the after market perhaps.

Re: Bicycle Kingdoms of a New World (KS)
« Reply #18 on: November 26, 2013, 02:08:01 AM »

Don Boyer

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Such a pity with this deck, the artwork is truly stunning. But there are too many little signs of things that might go wrong, didnt pledge but will wait for the after market perhaps.

I'll say this much - budget-wise, the original goal was a little tight, with not much leeway for error.  But they've exceeded the goal by enough that a competent person could get this deck made and delivered for that much without too much trouble (though maybe not a lot of profit right off the bat).  I can easily see him selling leftover decks to dealers at wholesale to make up for that - I wouldn't be surprised to learn that he's already done so as a pre-sale.

All that remains is to see how competent he is...
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Bicycle Kingdoms of a New World (KS)
« Reply #19 on: November 26, 2013, 02:39:19 AM »


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Such a pity with this deck, the artwork is truly stunning. But there are too many little signs of things that might go wrong, didnt pledge but will wait for the after market perhaps.

I'll say this much - budget-wise, the original goal was a little tight, with not much leeway for error.  But they've exceeded the goal by enough that a competent person could get this deck made and delivered for that much without too much trouble (though maybe not a lot of profit right off the bat).  I can easily see him selling leftover decks to dealers at wholesale to make up for that - I wouldn't be surprised to learn that he's already done so as a pre-sale.

All that remains is to see how competent he is...

Don have you seen the delivery date ? Its a year from now, plus his previous campaign has not shipped yet. Its too much risk for me to bear after getting burned on founders, quicksilver (hopefully might get that one soon), possibly mustache.

Re: Bicycle Kingdoms of a New World (KS)
« Reply #20 on: November 26, 2013, 03:37:23 AM »

Don Boyer

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Such a pity with this deck, the artwork is truly stunning. But there are too many little signs of things that might go wrong, didnt pledge but will wait for the after market perhaps.

I'll say this much - budget-wise, the original goal was a little tight, with not much leeway for error.  But they've exceeded the goal by enough that a competent person could get this deck made and delivered for that much without too much trouble (though maybe not a lot of profit right off the bat).  I can easily see him selling leftover decks to dealers at wholesale to make up for that - I wouldn't be surprised to learn that he's already done so as a pre-sale.

All that remains is to see how competent he is...

Don have you seen the delivery date ? Its a year from now, plus his previous campaign has not shipped yet. Its too much risk for me to bear after getting burned on founders, quicksilver (hopefully might get that one soon), possibly mustache.

Well then - as far as him being competent, it's looking doubtful!
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Bicycle Kingdoms of a New World (KS)
« Reply #21 on: November 26, 2013, 08:03:34 AM »


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I went 2 of each on this one. Absolutely love the artwork. After conversing with the creator and weighing the risks, I felt comfortable pledging.

Volantangel, the estimated delivery is 7months from now, not a year. 7months is about double what one would reasonably expect. I dont find that too ridiculous. Would much rather have a late estimation and possible early delivery than an estimated delivery of February and receiving the goods in July. Also, if you look at Nathanael's previous project, even though he did not meet the estimated delivery date, he has been incredibly transparent throughout the whole process. Personally, i didn't see any red flags with this one at all. Guess we will see.
Alex, stop fucking with my name you phegget. xx

Re: Bicycle Kingdoms of a New World (KS)
« Reply #22 on: November 26, 2013, 09:35:27 AM »


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Hi Fred we meet again. My bad on the date, i must have read wrongly, in any case its a very long lead time, underpromising just so that you have alot more slack doesnt seem to be a good thing to me as well. Well the low goal for 3 decks, 10000 'limited' run, deck of 54 cards they all just dont paint a convincing story for me. I was in pretty heavy at the start, decided i didnt want to risk it at the end.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2013, 09:35:48 AM by volantangel »

Re: Bicycle Kingdoms of a New World (KS)
« Reply #23 on: November 26, 2013, 10:12:08 AM »


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Hi Fred we meet again. My bad on the date, i must have read wrongly, in any case its a very long lead time, underpromising just so that you have alot more slack doesnt seem to be a good thing to me as well. Well the low goal for 3 decks, 10000 'limited' run, deck of 54 cards they all just dont paint a convincing story for me. I was in pretty heavy at the start, decided i didnt want to risk it at the end.

Hahaha i dont know why but i smiled at "Hi Fred we meet again".

Yeah i agree setting a longer estimated delivery shouldnt simply result to more time to half ass. I hope it doesnt. Nathanael answered the low goal query saying that he was basically quoted $18,000 to print 3 decks (Given the fact that they're all very similar and in the same 'print run'). He also stated that due to the heavy 500% overfunding of his first project, he had some extra cash he was willing to put in.

The 10,000 limited run was set up at the very beginning, in anticipation of a generous response of demand from the community. They didnt get that response (I think they deserved at least a 100k end result but that's another story). They obviously will not be printing that amount now haha, i think 2,500 of each deck is most likely/reasonable.

I totally understand why you didnt feel convinced to jump on. I was a bit iffy at the start as well until i saw the frequent updates/talked to Nathanael himself. Hopefully everything turns out smoothly and i don't lose my 'scammed on Kickstarter' virginity :)
Alex, stop fucking with my name you phegget. xx

Re: Bicycle Kingdoms of a New World (KS)
« Reply #24 on: November 26, 2013, 10:25:47 AM »


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Well the low goal for 3 decks, 10000 'limited' run, deck of 54 cards they all just dont paint a convincing story for me. I was in pretty heavy at the start, decided i didnt want to risk it at the end.

Same here. I hope the project is followed through though. A lot of amazing artwork. It would be a shame if it went to waste.