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Where to buy playing cards in Hong Kong

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Where to buy playing cards in Hong Kong
« on: November 18, 2013, 09:13:28 PM »


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Hey guys,
Hoping one/some of you may be able to give me some advice.
I'll be going to Hong Kong in a week's time and was wondering if you guys know any physical stores I can walk in to in Hong Kong and pick up some more decks to add to my collection.
I found one youtube video from 2010 that pointed one store I plan to try finding, but I'd appreciate if any of you guys could point me in more right directions, thanks!

Re: Where to buy playing cards in Hong Kong
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2013, 11:07:23 PM »

Don Boyer

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Hey guys,
Hoping one/some of you may be able to give me some advice.
I'll be going to Hong Kong in a week's time and was wondering if you guys know any physical stores I can walk in to in Hong Kong and pick up some more decks to add to my collection.
I found one youtube video from 2010 that pointed one store I plan to try finding, but I'd appreciate if any of you guys could point me in more right directions, thanks!

Zenneth Kok is a famous magician based in Hong Kong and he happens to be a member here.  His user name is "Zenneth", try sending him a PM.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Where to buy playing cards in Hong Kong
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2013, 11:11:47 PM »


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Hong Kong uses the UK system, so G/F is the bottom floor, and 1/F is the storey above that.

198 Wan Chai Road. The mall is shaped like a figure 8. Go to the right hand loop on the 1F. It's close to a store that sells snacks. On 2F, go to the left hand loop (Magic Pro HK, but their website doesn't list everything). SW corner of the building.

The 2F store has a lot more decks available, but the price might be slightly higher than the store on the 1F. There will be some difference in the stock available.

Another one I haven't been to in a long time is in Mongkok. Somewhere on Nathan Road (East side of the road). The building is between Mongkok MTR Exit E2 and Dundas Street. When looking into the building from the street, there are stores selling watches (Breitling, Seiko etc) on the right hand side, and a pair of escalators leading to the basement and upstairs on the left hand side. The store is upstairs, but I can't remember which floor. I believe it was on the East side of the building,

There probably are more out there that I haven't seen.

Re: Where to buy playing cards in Hong Kong
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2013, 12:23:06 AM »

Don Boyer

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Another one I haven't been to in a long time is in Mongkok. Somewhere on Nathan Road (East side of the road). The building is between Mongkok MTR Exit E2 and Dundas Street. When looking into the building from the street, there are stores selling watches (Breitling, Seiko etc) on the right hand side, and a pair of escalators leading to the basement and upstairs on the left hand side. The store is upstairs, but I can't remember which floor. I believe it was on the East side of the building,

A Google Maps search of Hong Kong only turned up one shop - the one in Mongkok you mentioned. It's even on the correct street, though the entrance appears to be on Shantung Street on the map - not that the map's always right, am I right?  :))  The pointer says it's in the Chung Kiu Commercial Building, and that the Mongkok Baptist Church shares that building.

I'd wager you were accessing the building from King Wah Centre next door on that block - that building has a face on Nathan Road.  There's probably some connection between the two buildings not shown on the map.  Or that the map is utterly wrong, which I've had happen before.  Assuming I'm looking at the correct place, it's on the 3rd floor (UK reckoning).

星際城市, 3/F, 315舖
+852 2366 6655
« Last Edit: November 19, 2013, 12:24:54 AM by Don Boyer »
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Where to buy playing cards in Hong Kong
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2013, 12:42:58 AM »


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Woops, gonna move this bad boy into the correct board.
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Re: Where to buy playing cards in Hong Kong
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2013, 01:25:45 AM »


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Another one I haven't been to in a long time is in Mongkok. Somewhere on Nathan Road (East side of the road). The building is between Mongkok MTR Exit E2 and Dundas Street. When looking into the building from the street, there are stores selling watches (Breitling, Seiko etc) on the right hand side, and a pair of escalators leading to the basement and upstairs on the left hand side. The store is upstairs, but I can't remember which floor. I believe it was on the East side of the building,

A Google Maps search of Hong Kong only turned up one shop - the one in Mongkok you mentioned. It's even on the correct street, though the entrance appears to be on Shantung Street on the map - not that the map's always right, am I right?  :))  The pointer says it's in the Chung Kiu Commercial Building, and that the Mongkok Baptist Church shares that building.

I'd wager you were accessing the building from King Wah Centre next door on that block - that building has a face on Nathan Road.  There's probably some connection between the two buildings not shown on the map.  Or that the map is utterly wrong, which I've had happen before.  Assuming I'm looking at the correct place, it's on the 3rd floor (UK reckoning).

星際城市, 3/F, 315舖
+852 2366 6655
Those buildings aren't connected. If you look between the buildings on Google Maps from Shandong Street, there's a gap between them.
Also, I don't remember pushing so deep into a building that it could have been another. It was about 25-35 paces from the front entrance to the back wall.

I'm usually leery of relying on Google for shop locations in Hong Kong, unless they have an up to date website, as turnover here can happen within 6-12 months.

It might be Sino Centre or Nathan Centre. The entrance looks familiar. I might swing by if I head over there just to double check. Nothing beats boots on the ground.

Regarding my first post, it should be 188 Wan Chai Road, not 198.
I got 298 Hennessy Road and 188 Wan Chai Road mixed up. 298 is for computer parts and accessories, whilst 188 is console gaming and some collectibles.

I took another look at the Sino Centre - I'm 90% sure this is the building. Thanks to images from Google, the escalator and hallways look correct.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2013, 01:37:39 AM by verloren »

Re: Where to buy playing cards in Hong Kong
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2013, 01:55:51 AM »


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Hey guys,

Thanks for the prompt and detailed replies guys :D.
I was about to say 198 Wan Chai road? I'd heard of/been to 188 Wan Chai before (like 6 years ago) and it was shaped like an 8 so I thought you meant there. Last time I went there I don't remember there being a card store there, but thanks so much for telling me that; now I'll be even more eager to go to 188.

Also thanks for putting this topic in the correct forum br3xis; I wasn't sure which one it should go in haha.

One more question; anyone have an idea of the prices over in HK? Whatever they are I'm sure they're cheaper than here in Australia/they'll have more variety.


Re: Where to buy playing cards in Hong Kong
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2013, 02:41:26 AM »

Don Boyer

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For that shop in Mongkok, I looked at the website.  Kinda strange - all but two of the decks have price tags of zero HK dollars.  Either they're insanely cheap, or out of stock!  The two decks they did have, Ogma by Skulkor and Curator by HOPC, were marked at HK$64.  That's about AU$8.80.  Pretty good price - it's just a tiny bit less in US$, and normally HOPC sells Curators for $7.95, while the Ogma deck is a sold-out collectible.

If I had to guess, assuming those numbers are typical, you'll get a decent deal.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Where to buy playing cards in Hong Kong
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2013, 04:08:44 AM »


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From what I remember in 188
T11 Rebels - 98HKD
Bee Premium - 98HKD - 1F store
Bee Quality
HOPC Nautical - 98
HOPC 2012 London
Grid 2.0
MMD - That's the 2F store in 188.
Besides the ones listed on the website (from what I remember):
Most of the Ellusionist & T11 decks. Not 100% sure on D&D decks
Blue Bloods v1 - 110HKD (if they still have more). I've been picking up a deck each time I go there.
EPC's Ritual, Ritual Premier, Divine. Can't remember if they had Ritual Gold
Coterie Bee (if you're lucky)
Amber Stag (or was this the 1F store?)
Club 808 Cigar
Secret Weapon
Tactical Playing Cards
« Last Edit: November 19, 2013, 04:14:02 AM by verloren »

Re: Where to buy playing cards in Hong Kong
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2013, 07:47:04 AM »


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For that shop in Mongkok, I looked at the website.  Kinda strange - all but two of the decks have price tags of zero HK dollars.  Either they're insanely cheap, or out of stock!  The two decks they did have, Ogma by Skulkor and Curator by HOPC, were marked at HK$64.  That's about AU$8.80.  Pretty good price - it's just a tiny bit less in US$, and normally HOPC sells Curators for $7.95, while the Ogma deck is a sold-out collectible.

If I had to guess, assuming those numbers are typical, you'll get a decent deal.

That sounds much better than Australia.
Last time I looked in a physical store in Australia (just last week) A Pluma deck was $13 and a standard rider back bicycle was on sale for $7 XD.
So if I can get custom cards for less than a deck of standard bikes.... I'll be singing ahahaha.

DUDE, thanks for that post. When I posted this topic I was hoping for a store name and maybe some hazy directions. Your directions and even an approximate LIST of some decks far exceed my expectations. Thanks man :D.
Also... if the 188 store has Blue bloods... F%&$ me and my bank account I'm getting them XD (I'm probably one of the many that has all of uusi but the original blue bloods).

Re: Where to buy playing cards in Hong Kong
« Reply #10 on: November 20, 2013, 12:31:16 AM »


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I think Magic Pro also had Genesis in stock.

Re: Where to buy playing cards in Hong Kong
« Reply #11 on: November 20, 2013, 11:50:03 AM »


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Already a lot of information are available here, though, to be honest, too many decks are being released these days, magic shops in Hong Kong tend to carry playing cards from major magic companies, but most of them are just easily accessible online as well. You may wish to go to convenience store or supermarket to pick up a few decks of "Rambler" deck, it's a USPCC release and they have a glit edge, I don't see them available in many other countries.

Hope this helps,

Amour Playing Cards & Amour Magic Collection

Re: Where to buy playing cards in Hong Kong
« Reply #12 on: November 20, 2013, 10:04:43 PM »


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Already a lot of information are available here, though, to be honest, too many decks are being released these days, magic shops in Hong Kong tend to carry playing cards from major magic companies, but most of them are just easily accessible online as well. You may wish to go to convenience store or supermarket to pick up a few decks of "Rambler" deck, it's a USPCC release and they have a glit edge, I don't see them available in many other countries.
7/11 for 16-18HKD. Cincinnati I think.

Re: Where to buy playing cards in Hong Kong
« Reply #13 on: November 21, 2013, 09:28:16 AM »

Don Boyer

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Already a lot of information are available here, though, to be honest, too many decks are being released these days, magic shops in Hong Kong tend to carry playing cards from major magic companies, but most of them are just easily accessible online as well. You may wish to go to convenience store or supermarket to pick up a few decks of "Rambler" deck, it's a USPCC release and they have a glit edge, I don't see them available in many other countries.
7/11 for 16-18HKD. Cincinnati I think.

I'm pretty sure you're right on the city.  I believe USPC discontinued the Rambler brand before making the move to Erlanger.  Nowadays, they won't do gilding for an order under 10,000 decks and it costs a fortune because it's applied by hand - not to mention the longer production time.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Where to buy playing cards in Hong Kong
« Reply #14 on: November 23, 2013, 06:33:59 AM »


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Found another store by accident. I picked up an Ogma deck from them for around 13USD/AUD.

Not gonna share the address until I raid its stock a few more times :t11:

Re: Where to buy playing cards in Hong Kong
« Reply #15 on: November 23, 2013, 06:37:24 AM »

Don Boyer

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Found another store by accident. I picked up an Ogma deck from them for around 13USD/AUD.

Not gonna share the address until I raid its stock a few more times :t11:

Hey, that's not nice!  At least send it to him in a PM...  :))
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Where to buy playing cards in Hong Kong
« Reply #16 on: November 23, 2013, 10:38:33 AM »


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Not until I get those turquoise Bees. I don't think they were opened.

Their collection isn't as vast as the other ones mentioned here. The only intriguing decks I saw were Altruism (not sure which version), Animal Kingdom and Phoenix Apocalypse.

I'm not sure if fake Nuggets count as intriguing.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2013, 10:52:50 AM by verloren »

Re: Where to buy playing cards in Hong Kong
« Reply #17 on: November 24, 2013, 07:22:49 AM »


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Not until I get those turquoise Bees. I don't think they were opened.

Their collection isn't as vast as the other ones mentioned here. The only intriguing decks I saw were Altruism (not sure which version), Animal Kingdom and Phoenix Apocalypse.

I'm not sure if fake Nuggets count as intriguing.

Hahaha, no worries; I'm thankful for the info you've already provided.
I'm sure they'll be plenty of variety to satisfy my addiction. ($13 ogma decks :|... I'm up for a few of those I like that deck)
Fake nuggets eh? Small part of me does wonder how they handle.

Re: Where to buy playing cards in Hong Kong
« Reply #18 on: November 24, 2013, 09:14:22 AM »


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Hahaha, no worries; I'm thankful for the info you've already provided.
I'm sure they'll be plenty of variety to satisfy my addiction. ($13 ogma decks :|... I'm up for a few of those I like that deck)
Fake nuggets eh? Small part of me does wonder how they handle.
Probably like crap if they are the paper cardboard ones people have put up vids of.

Re: Where to buy playing cards in Hong Kong
« Reply #19 on: November 24, 2013, 10:13:53 AM »

Don Boyer

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Hahaha, no worries; I'm thankful for the info you've already provided.
I'm sure they'll be plenty of variety to satisfy my addiction. ($13 ogma decks :|... I'm up for a few of those I like that deck)
Fake nuggets eh? Small part of me does wonder how they handle.
Probably like crap if they are the paper cardboard ones people have put up vids of.

I've been hearing that the forgeries are actually getting better - not real-Nuggets better, but a real upgrade from cardboard crap.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Where to buy playing cards in Hong Kong
« Reply #20 on: November 25, 2013, 04:59:46 AM »


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Hahaha, no worries; I'm thankful for the info you've already provided.
I'm sure they'll be plenty of variety to satisfy my addiction. ($13 ogma decks :|... I'm up for a few of those I like that deck)
Fake nuggets eh? Small part of me does wonder how they handle.
Probably like crap if they are the paper cardboard ones people have put up vids of.

I've been hearing that the forgeries are actually getting better - not real-Nuggets better, but a real upgrade from cardboard crap.
80HKD a pop. Red, blue and black.

Re: Where to buy playing cards in Hong Kong
« Reply #21 on: November 28, 2013, 12:13:17 PM »


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Hey guys,
Thanks for the advice.
I've been to the two 188 stores and checked out their inventory. No blue bloods unfortunately :(. But so far I've picked up ramblers (39 HKD) and a theory 11 rebels (98HKD) deck but I'll be back for more haha... I'll check out Mongkok as well.
I'm in the process of selecting decks to add to my collection haha.
The 1F store did have a white LTD for sale at 980 HKD, bout  120 USD.
I did ask about limited decks but they couldn't help me too much. Apart from white ltd I didn't see any other rare decks around.
Looks like my bank account shall take a beating regardless.
Can I ask where I'd go looking for a pack or two of fake nuggets?

Re: Where to buy playing cards in Hong Kong
« Reply #22 on: November 28, 2013, 12:15:24 PM »


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Not until I get those turquoise Bees. I don't think they were opened.

Their collection isn't as vast as the other ones mentioned here. The only intriguing decks I saw were Altruism (not sure which version), Animal Kingdom and Phoenix Apocalypse.

I'm not sure if fake Nuggets count as intriguing.
What are turquoise bees? Are they a specially expensive/rare deck why do you mention those in particular?

Re: Where to buy playing cards in Hong Kong
« Reply #23 on: December 03, 2013, 12:20:27 AM »


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Not until I get those turquoise Bees. I don't think they were opened.

Their collection isn't as vast as the other ones mentioned here. The only intriguing decks I saw were Altruism (not sure which version), Animal Kingdom and Phoenix Apocalypse.

I'm not sure if fake Nuggets count as intriguing.
What are turquoise bees? Are they a specially expensive/rare deck why do you mention those in particular? Come out of the Sham Shui Po Exit D1, hard 180, right hand side. Call Metro Sham Shui Po.

They had the turquoise Bee, and I think 3 Blue Bloods in stock. They're up for grabs, since I won't have time to go back over to SSP for at least another month.

The turquoise Bees are from a Casino in the US. Semi-rare to rare.