I'm purely a colelctor, and I buy decks for display, only opening a few total. I try to buy decks at a price point where if I ever decide to sell, I can at least get my money back. If they are a limited and great deck, a lot of folks will open and use them and when scarcity comes into pleay in the future, I've gained some value, if I decide to sell. Note though that I don not buy any deck as an investment, that's simply crazy. I buy anything (not just cards) with the intent of getting my money back, or making a profit, in the future, no matter what it is. Doesn't always work, but it's a good idea to have when purchasing things, especially with the large and varied collections that I have. That being said, unusual finish decks are a different story. I want a deck of Jerry's Nuggets. Funny thing is, I'd MUCH prefer an opened deck, as opposed to sealed. I think that sealed ones are far overpriced, but the reason is that they have features/coatings that aren't available anymore, adn I want to feel how they handle. I could do that with a sealed deck, but I could never bring myself to open one, so I'd never know. If you have cards from Cincinnati, ones with special finishes, lightly used older decks that are popular for their handling, you can probably get prices that aren't too far off from the sealed version. You just have to do you research and remember that no matter what anyone thinks that they are worth, the true value is what you will get when you sell them. You may get twice as much on one day as you'd get on another, you just have to ahve the right deck at the right time and the right buyer.