Do you two want to grow up a little and leave it be? Come on boys, you win some and you lose some, no need to take it out on one another. Enjoy the offer that been given to you and stop biting each other's heads off
Just a healthy "discourse". I'm a little cranky cause I'm sick and maybe I was a little sarcastic but after his last post I realize there is no hope for him.
Bear this in mind: sometimes it's better to let the foolish man stick a knife in the electric socket than to convince him that what he's doing is dangerous. When he gets zapped, assuming he survives, perhaps then he'll really learn something. If he doesn't learn, well... Some people learn better after they're dead rather than before.
At least with a rep like his, he won't be trading for some time... When posts go bad like his, he should stop wondering why he's tasting shoe leather and just pull his foot out of his mouth already.
BTW, Ace - your "system" is nothing more than an attempt to explain random chance. You have no more influence over random chance than Yoelanshel has to convince you that it's dumb luck rather than some innate talent you have that got those prizes for you. But hey, if you can convince T11 that your "system" works, I'm sure they'd be happy to revoke your entries and void your prizes as per the contest rules.
On a different line of thought, I think I understand a possible reason why so many of us get cheesed off about winning either low-value prizes or nothing at all.
The contest is presented to us in the form of a wheel of chance. The wheel has 16 divisions - 12 are of one size, while the four major prizes are double the size. If we identify the major prize divisions as simply being two divisions offering the same prize, there would be 20 divisions in all, with major prized on eight of them. On a truly random wheel, that would give you a 40% chance of winning a major prize. Four of the divisions are single-deck prizes - spin with true randomness and they add up to a 20% chance of winning a deck, or a 60% chance of winning a tangible, non-electronic prize or major prize with every spin (one of the major prizes is still "non-tangible", in the form of 10,000 Elite points added to your account).
There's only a 5% chance on a random spin of hitting "no reward" in one spin, not counting of course the chance that you'll hit a free spin which leads to "no reward". But since free spins still have the same chance of hitting a prize, the odds are still the lowest for "no reward" - everything else is a number of free spins, a quantity of points or a tangible, non-electronic prize.
Following those assumptions, we'd be hitting decks or major prizes at a rate of slightly better than every other spin! But it's rather plain to see that no, the wheel doesn't spin freely, nor does it create a totally random generation of a result. We know this in our heads, but our instincts and learned behaviors still tell us that when spinning a wheel, the end result should be totally random - no matter how many positive brain waves you send, lucky coins you possess or waves of a dead chicken you make to try to influence it in any way...