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How Do You/Will You Spend Your Holidays?

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How Do You/Will You Spend Your Holidays?
« on: December 25, 2013, 04:16:29 AM »

Don Boyer

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I've had a few different traditions over the years about how I celebrated Christmas.

We used to open the Christmas presents on Christmas Eve, when I was a kid.  Then there was that one year where the entire family was sicker than dogs with the flu...

When I was married to my first wife, the tradition was spending Christmas Eve with my parents and siblings, then spending Christmas Day with her parents and siblings.

After the separation, I had a really fantastic and generous friend who let me spend Christmas Eves with her family and I'd bring gifts for her two adopted daughters.

These days, I'm fine with a little less tradition and a little more connecting with the people that are important to me.  Plus my new wife is a non-practicing Jew, though her child is being raised Christian by her ex-husband - which really means he's not being raised to be much of anything at the moment.

Tonight, Christmas Eve, I'm at work while my wife sleeps at home.  The stepson that lives with us is with his dad.  The other stepson, who lives on his own - he's probably also with his dad.

When I leave here in the morning, I'm heading to the hospital in Brooklyn, New York Methodist, where I perform once monthly for the kids.  I missed performing for them last Thursday so I'm popping in for Christmas Day to cheer them up.  I'm told the hospital does try to release as many kids as they can for the holidays, but some kids are not exactly there for elective procedures, so they have to remain.

I'll also be spending some time in the pediatric emergency room there - I've become sort of a fixture there, because I get the impression that I may be the only volunteer that shows up in the peds ER for anything, let alone providing entertainment.  I brought with me two bricks of my personal stash of Bicycle Americanas to give away, since I thought it would be nice to give something special instead of the standard packs of Streamlines I have left.  I hope that will be enough, but only rarely have I gone through more than two bricks in a day, so I should be fine.

On the topic of those Streamlines, for those of you who've been here long enough to remember the first one, I'm making a second fundraiser for getting cards for the kids again.  At this point, I'll probably run out of those Chinese-made Streamlines at some point during the spring of 2014.  I'm going to try getting them American-made Streamlines this time, as the quality is much higher.  Failing that, I'll get some bulk-discounted Bikes or something.  Keep your eyes open in the New Year for my fundraiser topic!

I'm going to try spending some of Boxing Day out with some friends, but we tend to be a disorganized bunch, so anything's possible but most things are unlikely!

For New Year's, well - I'm pretty sure the stepson wants to be at his dad's place, and my wife has off for the 2nd as well as the 1st.  I'll be working New Year's Eve, but I'll be with her for the remainder of the day and the next day.  She has some champagne to open with her parents, if they can stay awake that long, and if she doesn't drink it that night, I hear mimosas are pretty tasty!  None for me, though.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2013, 04:19:08 AM by Don Boyer »
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Re: How Do You/Will You Spend Your Holidays?
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2013, 10:06:51 PM »

Rob Wright

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How was your visit to the hospital? You are providing a wonderful service. I'll be happy to help on your fundraiser.
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Re: How Do You/Will You Spend Your Holidays?
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2013, 01:08:04 AM »

Don Boyer

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How was your visit to the hospital? You are providing a wonderful service. I'll be happy to help on your fundraiser.

It went well.  The Peds unit was a little busier than planned, but fortunately for the kids, the Ped ER was mostly empty.  I spent about 3.5 hours there before heading home.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2013, 01:08:25 AM by Don Boyer »
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: How Do You/Will You Spend Your Holidays?
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2013, 10:50:58 AM »


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I know everybody probably says this, but it is really nice to be doing something meaningful Don. I will try to help on the fundraiser if i can as well.

Basically, i spent my first Christmas with my wife this year (we got married this October, and never got to spend Christmas together while dating cause she is from a neighbouring country and would stay home with her parents). Basically, I picked her up after half day of work on eve and we went grocery shopping for food with a best friend and his partner. My family seldom celebrate Christmas as much but i told myself to treat ourselves to a good meal, even bought a 15" mini Christmas tree just to add to the mood. Ended up getting enough food to probably feed my whole block, drank some beer and champagne and watched a couple of movies till late. Ahhhh....if only it snowed here though. I always felt it was nice to be in a warm house/bed/under the blanket/whatever...while it was cold outside.

Nothing too fancy but I really prefer a peaceful night with a few close friends as compared to hanging out in the crowded streets. Come to think about it, it has really been quite a while since i hanged out at parties all through the night. Probably some bones starting to creak a little. :)

Re: How Do You/Will You Spend Your Holidays?
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2013, 01:26:28 PM »


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We had a nice family Christmas morning, followed by a larger family dinner last night. Now we are heading up to the ski resort near our town for the next couple of weeks. I am going to be pitching in to work up at the resort during the busy period of the 27th-31st, so it's not so much a holiday but the extra money is welcomed, especially after Christmas.

Re: How Do You/Will You Spend Your Holidays?
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2013, 02:09:46 PM »

Don Boyer

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We had a nice family Christmas morning, followed by a larger family dinner last night. Now we are heading up to the ski resort near our town for the next couple of weeks. I am going to be pitching in to work up at the resort during the busy period of the 27th-31st, so it's not so much a holiday but the extra money is welcomed, especially after Christmas.

Extra cash during credit card hangover season is nothing to be sneezed at...  :))  Good luck and hopefully you'll enjoy the New Year Holiday a bit more.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: How Do You/Will You Spend Your Holidays?
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2013, 06:23:49 PM »


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Home, with my future wife (I hope, lol) It was her birthday on 24 December and I bought a 2 meters high Christmas tree for home and flowers and a gift for her, a Nook e-reader. She sleeps with this e-reader more than with me in bed :)
The oldest dog, 16 years old boy teckel it's under the Christmas tree and the youngest, girl, is in bed. I fail anyway to get her out of bed :)
Me...I take a break from post processing photos from wedding, family and personal stuff, until tomorrow. I will try to finish my new website and make another one with personal photos : people, nature, street photography, playing cards. I still searching for a good name for my new domain (m37, mcurtain, etc). Any suggestions?! :D

I wish you all to have a great Christmas with family and dear friends and a great Holidays!

ps: and I still wait to make 100 posts to sell some decks from my little collection and make some changes :D But I am too lazy and I don't like posting to count 100 posts.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2013, 06:24:13 PM by mirciusx »
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Re: How Do You/Will You Spend Your Holidays?
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2013, 07:56:13 PM »

John B.

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I spent it being the but of the jokes at the dinner table and then because I was not jumping for joy at my gifts I got told how I was un-appreciative and got into an argument with my dad that ended with my leaving and my mom feeling like crap thinking I was mad at her. Just the usual.
Do you guys even read this? Like I could have the meaning of life here and I doubt you would know it.

Re: How Do You/Will You Spend Your Holidays?
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2013, 08:42:18 PM »

Don Boyer

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I spent it being the but of the jokes at the dinner table and then because I was not jumping for joy at my gifts I got told how I was un-appreciative and got into an argument with my dad that ended with my leaving and my mom feeling like crap thinking I was mad at her. Just the usual.

I've had worse.  It's never fun.

Remember that we're all imperfect beings.  For some, they'll never really try to improve or even notice there's something not quite right in how they live.  For others, life is a quest to be a better person - still imperfect, but improved from the day before.  Become calm in your mind and spirit, try to understand the people around you, and live in THIS moment, right now.  Fretting over the past doesn't change it one bit, so it doesn't really help you - you can learn to let it go, to simply acknowledge that this event occurred and not linger on the bad feelings it left you with.  Worrying about the future is not good for you, either - there's no real way of knowing exactly what the future holds, and predicting terrible possible futures is not much more accurate than using a dart board to predict the future.  (I usually tell people that I left my crystal ball in my other pants...  :)) )

For the holidays, and for the rest of your life, be prepared to forgive those people around you - and remember to include yourself in that group, too.  People get so depressed when they're unable to do these simple yet difficult things.  Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt - learned how to stop going back.
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Re: How Do You/Will You Spend Your Holidays?
« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2013, 09:26:36 PM »

John B.

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I spent it being the but of the jokes at the dinner table and then because I was not jumping for joy at my gifts I got told how I was un-appreciative and got into an argument with my dad that ended with my leaving and my mom feeling like crap thinking I was mad at her. Just the usual.

I've had worse.  It's never fun.

Remember that we're all imperfect beings.  For some, they'll never really try to improve or even notice there's something not quite right in how they live.  For others, life is a quest to be a better person - still imperfect, but improved from the day before.  Become calm in your mind and spirit, try to understand the people around you, and live in THIS moment, right now.  Fretting over the past doesn't change it one bit, so it doesn't really help you - you can learn to let it go, to simply acknowledge that this event occurred and not linger on the bad feelings it left you with.  Worrying about the future is not good for you, either - there's no real way of knowing exactly what the future holds, and predicting terrible possible futures is not much more accurate than using a dart board to predict the future.  (I usually tell people that I left my crystal ball in my other pants...  :)) )

For the holidays, and for the rest of your life, be prepared to forgive those people around you - and remember to include yourself in that group, too.  People get so depressed when they're unable to do these simple yet difficult things.  Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt - learned how to stop going back.

this is what you get when you tell a buddist that life sucks.
Do you guys even read this? Like I could have the meaning of life here and I doubt you would know it.

Re: How Do You/Will You Spend Your Holidays?
« Reply #10 on: December 27, 2013, 12:55:53 AM »

Don Boyer

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this is what you get when you tell a buddist that life sucks.

Part of it is indeed Buddhist, but part of it is derived from Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, or DBT for short.  It's a very unique training program for helping people break the cycle of depressive thinking.  DBT is sort of a combination of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy combined with Buddhist philosophy as regards living in the present moment.

But you wouldn't like it - you'd have to quit drinking, seeing as how alcohol is a depressant and all...  :))
« Last Edit: December 27, 2013, 12:56:05 AM by Don Boyer »
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: How Do You/Will You Spend Your Holidays?
« Reply #11 on: December 27, 2013, 04:03:28 AM »

John B.

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Hey I very rarely drink. Its not like I get drunk. And oddly enough that was brought up too.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2013, 09:06:29 AM by John B. »
Do you guys even read this? Like I could have the meaning of life here and I doubt you would know it.

Re: How Do You/Will You Spend Your Holidays?
« Reply #12 on: December 27, 2013, 08:37:10 AM »

Don Boyer

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Hey I very really drink. Its not like I get drunk. And oddly enough that was brought up too.

Would you please read that statement you made?  "Hey, I very really drink."  That's got to equal at least Alanis Morrisette's definition of irony...
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: How Do You/Will You Spend Your Holidays?
« Reply #13 on: December 27, 2013, 09:06:55 AM »

John B.

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I was half-asleep when I typed it. I fixed it.
Do you guys even read this? Like I could have the meaning of life here and I doubt you would know it.