Strange, I've double checked that my profile has my FB link but it still doesn't appear on my badge. Anyway, my Facebook page is I'll be uploading more artworks on the Page over the next few days.
For now, here is the Ace of Spades. Thoughts?
The artwork on the deck looks fine, though perhaps could use a more colorful presentation rather than monochrome - that's more of a personal opinion.
These are questions having more to do with the design - why do you have frames around the art? It would probably look more expansive without them. And why did you stray so far from a standard index? There's a reason why indices evolved the way they have - it's quick and easy to understand. The font used isn't a problem, but put the value above the suit and size the pip a little bit smaller than the value, or at least no larger than the value. Also, make your "10" cards' indices using a non-serif version of your font. It's a common mistake for a designer to make the "10" much wider than all the single-character values, but on standard decks, all of the values are of a uniform width - again, there's the quicker understanding factor, also the wider indices requires you to spread the cards further apart in a hand that has tens in it, which has the two-fold negative effect of a) telling your opponent you have a ten in your hand, and 2) giving the other players a better chance of "accidentally" spotting your cards because of the width of the hand you're holding.
If you want to discuss this more, I do consulting for deck designers such as you. The design company Uusi (Blue Blood, Blueblood Redux, Bohemia, Royal Optik, Pagan) is my biggest client to date.