Who's buying all of these versions, and why? It's not a great design in the first place but with a quantity of 2,500 or 5,000 per deck, times 7 previous versions...who has all of these stockpiled?I know that they aren't all sold, but you get my point. I hoard some decks (and you all would laugh at me for it, and that's fair, but good Lord, 8 versions of basically the same thing, just some different, and unique, colors? OK, it's in a new box. Will they re-release everything in a pack jacket now? What am I missing here...why are these (seemingly) so popular? I'm baffled...
BTW, I'm not hating on them or anyone who loves/buys them, I Just honestly don't understand their appeal, at least where there are a bazillion (approximately) color variations.
The human eye can see 16.7 million colors...D&D and well on their way to covering that palette.