Hello guys,
I'm pretty new to cardistry and a week ago I bought an Bicycle Black Scorpion Deck. At the beginning it was pretty slippery but now it isn't anymore like this, when you hold it in your hands it feels a little bit sticky and the cards doesn't slip anymore that good. What can I do to get the cards again like they were at the beginning?
PS: Sorry for my bad english:)
Shouldn't this be in playing card plethora?
Welcome to the discourse by the way
Yeah, Boss, welcome from me, too. You should make a new topic in the "Introduce Yourself" board, let the gang get to know you.
This is fine here - he's looking for ways to freshen up a deck for cardistry after it's a bit on the worn side. It's kind of a cross-interest topic.
First, remember that there's a lot of decks like that, made around late 2009 or throughout 2010 that had some performance issues - USPC was getting the kinks worked out of the new plant at Erlanger. Many people call it the shakedown period.
The BEST thing to do regarding deck performance is to start with a good deck! These days, pretty much all custom decks are made with Magic Finish coating, which gives the cards a lasting slip. From there, it's just a matter of whether you want a heavier stock or a lighter stock and a smooth finish or a textured finish.
Failing that, there's a number of things I've heard of that can help revive a deck - though eventually, you'll just need to replace them.
Some people think that refrigerating their decks will bring them back. Haven't tested this yet. A little time in a strong deck clip (like a Porper) or a card press will help - you can use a bunch of heavy books if you don't have a press, but take the cards out of the box or you'll crush it. Storage in a cool, dry area works as well. Some people swear by fanning powder, some can't stand it - it can help when properly applied, but that's the trick, isn't it? I've also seen a video where someone took a deck of good moisturizing soap like Dove or Cashmere Bouquet, drawing an X on all of the card fronts and backs, and working them in a little. He actually got a terribly performing deck, Bicycle Tragic Royalty, to perform like a new, smooth custom deck.
Wait for an admin to notice, Don checks the boards very regularly.
Can this thread be moved to playing card plethora? Thanks.
You're right, I do, and I'm not the only staffer who does - so there's no need to point things out to me like this...