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Bicycle/unbranded Different Deck (KS)

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Bicycle/unbranded Different Deck (KS)
« on: January 08, 2014, 10:28:51 AM »


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« Last Edit: January 10, 2014, 06:17:26 PM by Don Boyer »

Re: Different Deck - Playing Cards Reinvented now live on Kickstarter
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2014, 02:25:32 PM »


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I like these! Very clever and well done. I'm in.

Re: Different Deck - Playing Cards Reinvented now live on Kickstarter
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2014, 02:27:34 PM »


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They do look pretty nice, don't they? I like the aesthetics, I'm just not sure about all the pip cards looking the same save for an index. Obviously the text making up the pip will need to be different for each numbered card, but it'll still form the same outline.

Interesting, though.

Re: Different Deck - Playing Cards Reinvented now live on Kickstarter
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2014, 03:37:04 PM »


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I like these! Slick, different, and anything they give up in the way of across the table readability (or magic use), they more than gain back in clever and artistic in my book. Well done!
"Design is nothing more or less than the ability to go from what exists to what is preferred."

Re: Different Deck - Playing Cards Reinvented now live on Kickstarter
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2014, 03:40:30 PM »


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This reminds me of the black book of cards deck that funded awhile ago.
I love the idea of this deck. I don't plan on using it for playing cards so the similarity of the pip cards doesn't bother me.
I seem to like all the typography kind decks out there haha. They all feel artistic and original to me.

Re: Different Deck - Playing Cards Reinvented now live on Kickstarter
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2014, 04:04:18 PM »


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These remind me of the Black Book of Cards,  too,  because of the use of typography.  I prefer the Black Book because the numbers and courts were still illustrated using words and they incorporated the idea of having a card (each of which has different personality traits) assigned to each person based on date of birth.

However,  I do like this deck.  I might back it. 

EDIT: After looking at the Kickstarter page, I realize it's the same guy who did the Mazing Deck.  I thought that one was pretty cool,  too :)
« Last Edit: January 08, 2014, 04:07:48 PM by Sher143 »

Re: Different Deck - Playing Cards Reinvented now live on Kickstarter
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2014, 04:10:58 PM »


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Re: Different Deck - Playing Cards Reinvented now live on Kickstarter
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2014, 04:17:19 PM »


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I'm in for the sticker!! 
-El Guapo

ISO - Vietnam vintage Bicycle Secret Weapon Aces of Spades deck.

Re: Different Deck - Playing Cards Reinvented now live on Kickstarter
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2014, 04:52:53 PM »


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I too am liking the sticker.

Re: Different Deck - Playing Cards Reinvented now live on Kickstarter
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2014, 06:13:41 PM »


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def. a different deck!
Two Thumbs Up!
« Last Edit: January 08, 2014, 06:18:53 PM by cosmicsecret »
Currently waiting for those decks being released :
- Seasons [Primavera / Seronda]  / Aether [Vortex] / Bicycle [Actuators] / Mana [Oracle] / The Blue Crown - [Altruism] / Encarded [Tendril]

Re: Different Deck - Playing Cards Reinvented now live on Kickstarter
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2014, 06:21:24 PM »


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wow...$37 for one sticker...really?

Don't forget the 22$ international shipping for the sticker .....  :o

Re: Different Deck - Playing Cards Reinvented now live on Kickstarter
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2014, 08:25:45 PM »


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wow...$37 for one sticker...really?

Don't forget the 22$ international shipping for the sticker .....  :o

But it's a really cool sticker. :)

Re: Different Deck - Playing Cards Reinvented now live on Kickstarter
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2014, 11:32:24 PM »

Don Boyer

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I'm tired of typographical decks and I'm tired of faux aging.  How does faux aging fit this deck's theme at all, other than "hey, this looks cool, let's toss it in as well?"

Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Different Deck - Playing Cards Reinvented now live on Kickstarter
« Reply #13 on: January 09, 2014, 09:59:56 AM »


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I need to create a deck that includes all of the deck elements that Don hates so much and call it the "Don Boyer Nightmare Deck"! :-)

The faux aging has to be done right. I have a set of the Series 1800's (Ellusionist) from years back, and I don't even like to touch them. I'm not a germophobe by any stretch of the immagination, but those cards look all moldy and absolutely nasty. Distressed? Yes, but not in a good way. Their faux aging is a definite turnoff, but it's nice in these. I think that, in this case, it complements and enhances the design, and separates it from similar decks like Black Book (Whch I also pledged for). Maybe it gives me a feeling of nostalgia, I don't know.

I'd like to have an uncut of these too.

Re: Different Deck - Playing Cards Reinvented now live on Kickstarter
« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2014, 10:36:28 AM »

Rob Wright

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I do like this deck, but I have to agree with Don about the faux aging. This is no where near as bad as the 1800's deck, but it is a repeating pattern. If someone wants to do the aging correctly. Every card should have a unique aging design. It should also be very subtle. Not like it was thrown in a mud puddle, and run over a thousand times.

Last night I stayed up late playing poker with Tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died.

 Steven Wright
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Re: Different Deck - Playing Cards Reinvented now live on Kickstarter
« Reply #15 on: January 09, 2014, 11:19:27 AM »


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I'm tired of typographical decks and I'm tired of faux aging.  How does faux aging fit this deck's theme at all, other than "hey, this looks cool, let's toss it in as well?"

Not to change topics, just a newb question. What is a "typographical deck"?
"Design is nothing more or less than the ability to go from what exists to what is preferred."

Re: Different Deck - Playing Cards Reinvented now live on Kickstarter
« Reply #16 on: January 09, 2014, 11:56:46 AM »


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I'm tired of typographical decks and I'm tired of faux aging.  How does faux aging fit this deck's theme at all, other than "hey, this looks cool, let's toss it in as well?"

Not to change topics, just a newb question. What is a "typographical deck"?

A "typographical deck" is just any deck of cards where the graphics are based almost all of it, if not all of it, on type (ie. letters, different fonts, etc). The "Type Deck" is another example of a typographical deck.

Re: Different Deck - Playing Cards Reinvented now live on Kickstarter
« Reply #17 on: January 09, 2014, 01:18:09 PM »

Don Boyer

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I do like this deck, but I have to agree with Don about the faux aging. This is no where near as bad as the 1800's deck, but it is a repeating pattern. If someone wants to do the aging correctly. Every card should have a unique aging design. It should also be very subtle. Not like it was thrown in a mud puddle, and run over a thousand times.

With the Series 1800 deck, the whole theme was the aged look - back then, it was new and interesting.  Today, every other designer seems to be slapping it in there, sometimes for no good reason at all.  This is the prime example of the worst case.  There is no good idea whatsoever behind making this with an aged look.

Actually, while the idea of making every aged card unique is good on the surface, at the least you want the back to be a) the same and b) two-way (unless it's your intent to create a one-way back rather than simply an accident).
« Last Edit: January 09, 2014, 01:20:53 PM by Don Boyer »
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Different Deck - Playing Cards Reinvented now live on Kickstarter
« Reply #18 on: January 09, 2014, 01:24:20 PM »


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I do like this deck, but I have to agree with Don about the faux aging. This is no where near as bad as the 1800's deck, but it is a repeating pattern. If someone wants to do the aging correctly. Every card should have a unique aging design. It should also be very subtle. Not like it was thrown in a mud puddle, and run over a thousand times.

With the Series 1800 deck, the whole theme was the aged look - back then, it was new and interesting.  Today, every other designer seems to be slapping it in there, sometimes for no good reason at all.  This is the prime example of the worst case.  There is no good idea whatsoever behind making this with an aged look.

Actually, while the idea of making every aged card unique is good on the surface, at the least you want the back to be a) the same and b) two-way (unless it's your intent to create a one-way back rather than simply an accident).

To be honest... I hadn't even noticed the faux aging :|.
I saw the concept and the pips and thought that was good enough for me haha.
Was it just me or did the 1800s perform poorly? I remember opening a pack a while ago and thinking they performed worse than standard bikes or were the 1800s victims of the USPCC shakedown period?

Re: Different Deck - Playing Cards Reinvented now live on Kickstarter
« Reply #19 on: January 09, 2014, 01:38:57 PM »

Don Boyer

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To be honest... I hadn't even noticed the faux aging :|.
I saw the concept and the pips and thought that was good enough for me haha.
Was it just me or did the 1800s perform poorly? I remember opening a pack a while ago and thinking they performed worse than standard bikes or were the 1800s victims of the USPCC shakedown period?

The early Series 1800 didn't perform well.  Unknown as to why - one theory is that all the ink used wasn't very compatible with the coating on the cards.  This problem's been entirely eliminated - they switched to Performance Coating and the cards now handle on par with USPC's best modern decks.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Different Deck - Playing Cards Reinvented now live on Kickstarter
« Reply #20 on: January 09, 2014, 10:05:59 PM »


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For those unhappy with the aging effect... note that the Bicycle branded tuck version of these has no aging, and you can buy just that deck if you want.

Re: Different Deck - Playing Cards Reinvented now live on Kickstarter
« Reply #21 on: January 09, 2014, 10:47:33 PM »

Rob Wright

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With the Series 1800 deck, the whole theme was the aged look - back then, it was new and interesting.  Today, every other designer seems to be slapping it in there, sometimes for no good reason at all.  This is the prime example of the worst case.  There is no good idea whatsoever behind making this with an aged look.

Actually, while the idea of making every aged card unique is good on the surface, at the least you want the back to be a) the same and b) two-way (unless it's your intent to create a one-way back rather than simply an accident).

Yea, I'm not sure why this deck needs to be aged. He doesn't have a picture of the back(unbranded) to see if he aged that as well.
I was thinking more about making every card have a unique aging. I think you could have maybe 6-8 different patterns, and apply to random faces. That way it wouldn't be obvious the pattern is duplicated. If you age the faces, it would be stupid to not age the back. Make sure it's 2 way and very subtle.
Last night I stayed up late playing poker with Tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died.

 Steven Wright
Facebook- Never Forgotten Project

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Re: Different Deck - Playing Cards Reinvented now live on Kickstarter
« Reply #22 on: January 09, 2014, 11:32:58 PM »

Don Boyer

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Make sure it's 2 way and very subtle.

...and identical from back to back, since otherwise it's sort of like a marked deck.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Different Deck - Playing Cards Reinvented now live on Kickstarter
« Reply #23 on: January 10, 2014, 03:08:01 PM »


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So I have a question for you all.  I just saw on Max Playing Cards blog that the sticker pledge at $30ish dollar is actually a secret pledge for the sticker and 4 decks and maybe an extra 2 black decks. Meaning it is a great bargain for a potential of 6 decks. My question is the following: is this allowed on Kickstarter? IS there a false expectation created here and it is up to the creator to decide if he will send decks or not? I am not saying in anyway that the creator is trying to pull a fast one but I can just see the new trend starting on kickstarter. Pledge $30 and you might get 20 decks or then again you might not

This is the article I am referring to

Regarding the pledges, you can choose among many of them, but there is one specially interesting, the H.O.P.E. sticker one. Although you are supposedly to get just one sticker in this level ($37), there is a cool gift hidden on it. Every of the (up to) 620 backers will receive two extra decks of each branded/unbranded model. That’s four decks plus the sticker but, if the project reaches the stretch goal, two extra black decks will be added to the reward. Black decks? Have you said black decks? Didn’t you mention there are only two decks in the campaign? Well, I said this project is full of secrets so you have to read everything carefully.

Of course, you have to trust on the creator to pledge for that hidden reward because the info you have read has been directly provided by Brian and the play rules include not to reveal this in the campaign website but only outside the campaign, so pledge at your own risk.

Re: Different Deck - Playing Cards Reinvented now live on Kickstarter
« Reply #24 on: January 10, 2014, 03:52:58 PM »


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So I have a question for you all.  I just saw on Max Playing Cards blog that the sticker pledge at $30ish dollar is actually a secret pledge for the sticker and 4 decks and maybe an extra 2 black decks. Meaning it is a great bargain for a potential of 6 decks. My question is the following: is this allowed on Kickstarter? IS there a false expectation created here and it is up to the creator to decide if he will send decks or not? I am not saying in anyway that the creator is trying to pull a fast one but I can just see the new trend starting on kickstarter. Pledge $30 and you might get 20 decks or then again you might not

This is the article I am referring to

Regarding the pledges, you can choose among many of them, but there is one specially interesting, the H.O.P.E. sticker one. Although you are supposedly to get just one sticker in this level ($37), there is a cool gift hidden on it. Every of the (up to) 620 backers will receive two extra decks of each branded/unbranded model. That’s four decks plus the sticker but, if the project reaches the stretch goal, two extra black decks will be added to the reward. Black decks? Have you said black decks? Didn’t you mention there are only two decks in the campaign? Well, I said this project is full of secrets so you have to read everything carefully.

Of course, you have to trust on the creator to pledge for that hidden reward because the info you have read has been directly provided by Brian and the play rules include not to reveal this in the campaign website but only outside the campaign, so pledge at your own risk.

I didn't really look into this project very deeply, but I was wondering why so many people were Pledging for a $37 Sticker. Now it makes sooooo much more sense! That is an odd way to go about setting up a KS Project.

thanks, Randy