Is there another definition for Alvus, because the definition I searched cannot be tied to this ...
Alvus - Latin for Beehive
1st off, I like the design very much, I like the intricacy. Second, all the hoopla over the name, it can be adjusted if needed, but please see below....
Quote from: Sparkz on January 24, 2014, 10:41:41 AM1st off, I like the design very much, I like the intricacy. Second, all the hoopla over the name, it can be adjusted if needed, but please see below....Okay.. Yes because all the latin you know is from a website. This is what is on a more accurate dictionary and is also what is in the latin to english dictionary on my bookshelf.I made one comment don't be a drama queen. No hoopla just being honest. When I heard the word alvus I remembered a different meaning. It all depends on the context used but I'm sure you wouldn't know that because you only know latin from what you look up online. So if an online definition is what you look for here it is...---------------------alvus, alvi#1noundeclension: 2nd declensiongender: commonDefinitions:beehivebelly/paunch/stomachbowelbowel movementcavityhull (ship)womb-------------------------------alveus, alvei#2noundeclension: 2nd declensiongender: masculineDefinitions:beehivecanoecavity, hollowgameboardtrough, bowl, traytub
Beehive comes before poop on both, so I think it's all good. Now back to the cards. Pretty sweet. Do we know who the artist is?
Oooh - could this be related to the Encarded collaboration that was teased a while back...?
The people who handle playing cards are always in a world of delicate fingertip technology.
Tally Ho, Circle Back framework?