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Sealed or Open

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Sealed or Open
« on: February 07, 2014, 08:23:01 PM »


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So, I'm struggling mightily with too many decks I'd really like to add to my collection, and no where near enough money to buy them all.

When I first started collecting, and I really liked the deck, I'd try to buy two decks if they were available. One to keep sealed for the "display" collection (even though they are all currently in boxes, I have plans!  ;D ) and one deck to open and handle.

As time has worn on, and funds have depleted, I am cutting way back, even on the decks I want to open and handle. So, my question to you all is:

Do you open the decks you collect or leave them sealed? This obviously only applies to decks you've bought that were sealed to begin with.  Do you buy an extra deck (or brick?) to have decks to handle?

Just curious.

I think in the end, I will likely open the singles I have at some point, and just enjoy the cards. I'm not in this to make money, so I think i'll be ok with that line of thought. My only caveat may be when it's an expensive deck.

Check out every Kickstarter Deck project - current & archived along with some great Deck designer/artist interviews:

Re: Sealed or Open
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2014, 08:29:57 PM »


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When I started collecting I only would buy one deck and keep it sealed. But after a while I was dying to see and feel the cards so I started buying 2 decks of each. I display one deck in 9 pocket ultra pro sleeve and i keep one sealed deck. For decks that are very expensive I usually only buy one and keep it sealed

Re: Sealed or Open
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2014, 09:25:36 PM »


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Awesome question.

Personally the only decks I do not open are doubles and decks valued more than $25. Still, that means over 80% of my collection has been opened. In the beginning, I kept all of them closed, but I realized the value of most of my decks wouldn't become life-changingly large in the next decade, and anyway would I even sell my collection after having it for that long, probably not. So why not enjoy the feel and the art of all 56 cards now?

I have a couple decks in my collection that I've practiced with mercilessly for years and I can still take them out and do magic and flourishes with them (although they are admittedly more "gummy" than when they were new). Point is, the cards aren't going to disintegrate even if you work them hard. But it is preferable to only take them out once in a while and play with them with clean hands, ofc. They will last a lifetime.

I value the joy of breaking out a deck of cards (that I've forgotten the feel of) every once in a while and becoming infatuated with it all over again as if I were opening it for the first time. Its better than just looking at a sealed cellophane box and saying, "Yep, there it is." But then again there is something to be said for a perfectly pristine collection of cards. Its just not for me.


Re: Sealed or Open
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2014, 09:28:29 PM »


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I normally try to get 2 decks so I could keep one sealed and open one.

But that's not always the case. I've got a lot of different kind Bicycle produced deck that I've got a single and opened it anyway.Sometimes, if it's a "rare" deck (ie. Madison Scarlet Dealers) or something I can't find a second deck, but is just a colour change (ie. Blue JAQK), I'll just keep that single deck seal. The other instance where I only open deck is for decks with different tuck cases like the Federal 52 decks.

Re: Sealed or Open
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2014, 09:36:45 PM »


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I have a very long list of decks I'd like to add to my collection,  too. I like to keep my decks sealed. I will only open it if I have an extra deck.  However,  I usually buy only one deck because the money I could use to buy a second one usually ends up going towards another new deck I really really want,  either on eBay or Kickstarter. 

That being said,  there are certain decks that I like so much that I can't help but purchase more than one despite knowing that I could use that money to add a different deck to my collection.  These include the ultimate deck,  fed 52 series,  Aurum series,  and Deco series.

Then there are those decks that cost so much,  it makes me too reluctant to open it,  even if I have two (or more).  These decks are usually priced $100 and up. I don't collect decks as an investment.  I haven't sold any decks and I don't have plans to sell them in the future, so my reluctance to open decks isn't due to a need to preserve their value for financial profit later,  but I have a thing about preserving their value,  regardless. 

Re: Sealed or Open
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2014, 12:44:31 AM »


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After buying a slew of decks I realized the limited number of combinations coming from the USPCC. Extra lush imported woven super soft highest quality  Casino grade  Q1 paper insert other adjectives  is more than not Bicycle or Bee. With one of 2 finishes. So I don't buy new decks from the USPCC for a "different" feel no matter what the box says. For that I try other companies or older decks and buy exclusively to open, if I like it I buy more.

With that said, I do buy decks produced from the USPCC for the art (one to open one to keep) or the OMG OMG OMG its limited and has the new 813 finish got to have it factor. These I don't open but keep in the hopes I can turn around and sell them to fund my card habit.

I personally enjoy the collecting part more than having a collection.

« Last Edit: February 08, 2014, 12:48:50 AM by DarkDerp »
I like to call paper coatings a finish. It makes Don happy.