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Playing Card Collectors Meeting - Toronto - Sunday March 2nd, 2014 at 2pm

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I think this was a huge success!

I certainly don't know of all the people involved in making this event happen but thank you to all. Lee, Tom and Judy it was a pleasure to meet you. I was the one with the old Congress ads from the 40's. I will take you up on your offer to see similar items from your collection at some point in the future.

Jay thanks for getting us the gift bags and those who supported the event. Nice little score there...a D&D private reserve deck!

Thanks Lee for the Jerry's card and I also picked up a pair of 1860 cards from Tom and Judy.




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Why is it that whenever we attend any meeting with people with like interests we have so much fun?  It was a blast and I have even found some new bff's! Thank you Jeff for providing such a great venue and even good food. Also of course Lee and Jason for making certain everything was in place. Tom and I even sold some of our Hochman Enyclopedia of Playing Cards!  Can't wait to meet again.

PS the ads are here anytime Dave!
Judy Dawson



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I had an awesome time!

So.. I reached out to some people over the last couple of weeks asking if they would like to send me some decks that I would hand out today... and all I can say is WOW!

A VERY special thanks to

Paul Carpenter

Scott King

RJ Tomlinson


Collectable Playing Cards

And in particular Dan from D&D/Art Of Play (who sent a generous amount of S&M Gold Reserve)

Thanks to those people/companies, EVERYONE went home with free decks!!!

Here are some pics I took today:

Lee talking to the crowd

Tom and Judy Dawson talking to the crowd

I think most people scored a gold S&M!  It was a great day!

Thanks again to Lee Asher for setting this up, The Browser's Den for hosting, and of course... Tom and Judy Dawson for everything they do.

I look forward to the next one!!

  I was the featured collector on UC for May/June, check it out:

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Looks like a great time...  Lee told me he would give me tips on how to set one of those meetings up here in the Northwest.  I would definitively be willing to help but also would need some help. Let's see if we can get a Seattle meeting going this year



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It looks like a lot of fun and I deeply regret missing it to finish up a project. Apparently, I was always taught that "work = money to buy things (ie. playing cards)". I should now learn that skipping work can get me free stuff.   ;)

I hope there's another one later on this year in Toronto.


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It looks like a lot of fun and I deeply regret missing it to finish up a project. Apparently, I was always taught that "work = money to buy things (ie. playing cards)". I should now learn that skipping work can get me free stuff.   ;)

I hope there's another one later on this year in Toronto.

I feel your pain. I've missed many things the past few months. In the end, it will all be worth it.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2014, 10:38:44 PM by !An0nym0u5 »



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Looks like everyone had a great time, hats off to Lee, Tom & Judy..........and Jay, kudos on the swag!!