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The Independence - by Jackson Robinson - KS Today!

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Re: The Independence - by Jackson Robinson - KS Today!
« Reply #50 on: April 07, 2014, 01:23:44 AM »

Rob Wright

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Just a few days left, and another superb project be Jackson. Also want to say thank you for the little bonus feature you mentioned on the google hangout the other night(just finished watching it). I do have a question Jackson. Do you eat corn dogs now?

Any one interested in watching.

A couple pics of the diptych jokers

Last night I stayed up late playing poker with Tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died.

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Re: The Independence - by Jackson Robinson - KS Today!
« Reply #51 on: April 07, 2014, 08:51:21 AM »


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What's the bonus feature?

EDIT: Jackson just made my day.

Special Surprise for all Limited Edition backers!
I wanted to save this little surprise until the very end of the campaign for all of you Limited Edition backers. Something I found with my previous Limited Edition decks is that hardly anyone would open the decks and enjoy the art I spent so much time creating. This is what led me to create the vellum covered wrapping that could be opened and closed again without having to break any seals. To go even further and add even more "bang for your buck" I will be including two "Display Decks" with each Limited Edition set. Display decks are simply an extra set of deck that have the EXACT same cards found in the Limited Edition versions but that come in basic, uncellophaned, white tuck cases that will have nothing but the Kings Wild Logo on the outside. The purpose of these Display decks is to give you a chance to enjoy the Limited Edition cards and artwork without having to open the Limited Edition version if you don't want to.

So to recap anyone who is pledging for a Limited Edition set of Independence cards will get two complimentary Display Decks to go with you LTD Set, one Continental and one Crown. If you are pledging for 2 LTD sets then you will receive a total 8 decks, 2 LTD sets and 2 sets of display decks. Thanks again for your support.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2014, 12:16:12 PM by Sher143 »

Re: The Independence - by Jackson Robinson - KS Today!
« Reply #52 on: April 07, 2014, 12:15:19 PM »


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Great news from Jackson

Special Surprise for all Limited Edition backers!

I wanted to save this little surprise until the very end of the campaign for all of you Limited Edition backers. Something I found with my previous Limited Edition decks is that hardly anyone would open the decks and enjoy the art I spent so much time creating. This is what led me to create the vellum covered wrapping that could be opened and closed again without having to break any seals. To go even further and add even more "bang for your buck" I will be including two "Display Decks" with each Limited Edition set. Display decks are simply an extra set of deck that have the EXACT same cards found in the Limited Edition versions but that come in basic, uncellophaned, white tuck cases that will have nothing but the Kings Wild Logo on the outside. The purpose of these Display decks is to give you a chance to enjoy the Limited Edition cards and artwork without having to open the Limited Edition version if you don't want to.

So to recap anyone who is pledging for a Limited Edition set of Independence cards will get two complimentary Display Decks to go with you LTD Set, one Continental and one Crown. If you are pledging for 2 LTD sets then you will receive a total 8 decks, 2 LTD sets and 2 sets of display decks. Thanks again for your support.

As we close in on the end of the project please post a link to the Kickstarter on your facebook, twitter and other social media sites. Here is the link to the KS page. Let's finish strong!

Re: The Independence - by Jackson Robinson - KS Today!
« Reply #53 on: April 07, 2014, 12:51:51 PM »


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I changed my pledge to the last remaining Limited once I got the update. Added on for two of each of the regular decks as well. I couldn't justify $75 dollars for two decks that I was never going to open, this makes it much more appealing.

Re: The Independence - by Jackson Robinson - KS Today!
« Reply #54 on: April 07, 2014, 04:18:37 PM »


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Great idea, Jackson! Thank you very much!

Re: The Independence - by Jackson Robinson - KS Today!
« Reply #55 on: April 07, 2014, 06:12:36 PM »


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I'm glad you guys like the Display Deck Idea.

Here are front and back shots of what they will look like.

Jackson Robinson

Re: The Independence - by Jackson Robinson - KS Today!
« Reply #56 on: April 07, 2014, 10:55:03 PM »


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Great news from Jackson

Special Surprise for all Limited Edition backers!

I wanted to save this little surprise until the very end of the campaign for all of you Limited Edition backers. Something I found with my previous Limited Edition decks is that hardly anyone would open the decks and enjoy the art I spent so much time creating. This is what led me to create the vellum covered wrapping that could be opened and closed again without having to break any seals. To go even further and add even more "bang for your buck" I will be including two "Display Decks" with each Limited Edition set. Display decks are simply an extra set of deck that have the EXACT same cards found in the Limited Edition versions but that come in basic, uncellophaned, white tuck cases that will have nothing but the Kings Wild Logo on the outside. The purpose of these Display decks is to give you a chance to enjoy the Limited Edition cards and artwork without having to open the Limited Edition version if you don't want to.

So to recap anyone who is pledging for a Limited Edition set of Independence cards will get two complimentary Display Decks to go with you LTD Set, one Continental and one Crown. If you are pledging for 2 LTD sets then you will receive a total 8 decks, 2 LTD sets and 2 sets of display decks. Thanks again for your support.

As we close in on the end of the project please post a link to the Kickstarter on your facebook, twitter and other social media sites. Here is the link to the KS page. Let's finish strong!

Ultimately what Jackson just created will be an extremely rare limited edition set of decks. Due to the fact that although the display decks will be of the same number as the limited decks they were made to be opened, used and consumed. Over the long run they will become even rarer than the original limited decks which will be protected and horded for their limitedness.

Jackson, I applaud both the thought and the result. Keep your innovative ideas and unique decks coming we greatly appreciate your efforts and the resulting products.

Re: The Independence - by Jackson Robinson - KS Today!
« Reply #57 on: April 08, 2014, 12:10:33 AM »


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I was also thinking the same thing, Shade :)
But then I also thought, since they are without cellophane they can still be opened, and looked at, touch and enjoy the art (like Jackson said).

For me, I think I will definitely keep those to look at from time to time.

Now I just need a 2 LE set to open up... :P

Re: The Independence - by Jackson Robinson - KS Today!
« Reply #58 on: April 08, 2014, 01:34:05 AM »

Don Boyer

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The market will determine this in the long run, but yes, I think those display decks will end up being the more rare and thus the more valuable over time due to use and attrition.  It's a bit ironic, actually.  You'll see collectors hanging on to the rare display decks and cracking open the LE versions, which will be more attractive and exist in larger numbers!

It's the playing cards version of the Star Wars Jawa action figure from the '70s with the vinyl cape.  The less attractive version (which in this case is scarce because it was yanked off the market for a better-equipped version) fetches multiples over the better-looking one, new in package.
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Re: The Independence - by Jackson Robinson - KS Today!
« Reply #59 on: August 17, 2014, 01:18:42 AM »

Josh Blackmon

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Received my limited and standard decks today! I'm really happy with the results. Above all I was most looking forward to breaking open the limiteds and seeing the unique tuckcase which did not disappoint. I despise seals and only had one to get through In order to get past the wax paper wrapping behind the signed band. So I broke out my razor blade and carefully removed the sticker to get at the deck itself. The only drawback was a little bit on an off centered punch on the foil embossing on my crown deck which is not really too noticible. Honestly it was a fulfilling experience. My biggest pet peave about seals is the residue they leave behind on the tuck no matter how carefully they are removed. Not having to mar the box made my day and in the end I resealed the deck quite easily. Minimal seals and no cellophane on the limited decks means a win in my book! Great job kings wild!
Josh Blackmon

Re: The Independence - by Jackson Robinson - KS Today!
« Reply #60 on: August 17, 2014, 05:25:37 AM »


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Wait is this happening now...oh, I just noticed the date... ;)

Re: The Independence - by Jackson Robinson - KS Today!
« Reply #61 on: August 17, 2014, 09:02:13 AM »


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Received my limited and standard decks today! I'm really happy with the results. Above all I was most looking forward to breaking open the limiteds and seeing the unique tuckcase which did not disappoint. I despise seals and only had one to get through In order to get past the wax paper wrapping behind the signed band. So I broke out my razor blade and carefully removed the sticker to get at the deck itself. The only drawback was a little bit on an off centered punch on the foil embossing on my crown deck which is not really too noticible. Honestly it was a fulfilling experience. My biggest pet peave about seals is the residue they leave behind on the tuck no matter how carefully they are removed. Not having to mar the box made my day and in the end I resealed the deck quite easily. Minimal seals and no cellophane on the limited decks means a win in my book! Great job kings wild!

Thanks for the kind words. I'm excited to finally start hearing peoples thougths of the LTDs
Jackson Robinson

Re: The Independence - by Jackson Robinson - KS Today!
« Reply #62 on: August 17, 2014, 09:52:48 AM »


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Wait is this happening now...oh, I just noticed the date... ;)

Yep! Since the 2-deck collector's box finally arrived last wee, shipments for the Independence Kickstarter rewards have been going out every weekday. If you haven't gotten a shipping notice yet, but you'll get one soon.

Re: The Independence - by Jackson Robinson - KS Today!
« Reply #63 on: August 17, 2014, 11:40:39 AM »

Josh Blackmon

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I gushed so much about the tuck boxes that I completely forgot to talk about the cards themselves. The smooth finish feels like butter in your hands and the non textured surface makes the fine details of the artwork really pop. Also this is what my laptop looks like now.
Josh Blackmon