I'm not up for renewal for a while yet and I'll be the 1st to admit that I've gone back and forth on Club 808. I do like the information and articles, but the thing that made me a little wishy washy was the lack of customization on the Limited Edition Decks.
That being said, and I don't know if it's because I'm starting to talk to CBJ more or not, but I'm coming around a bit. I like Bikes, and I'll say that after I grabbed a Griffin deck, I was really in love with the tuck box, knowing full well the cards were standard.
So for the minimal investment I'm pretty sure I'll renew just to avoid paying "After Market" prices on the LE Decks, even if I only pick up one a year, it's worth the savings.
On a side note, did they do the Play More Cards promo this year? I was really looking forward to that goodie bag.