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CoSEA - Cardistry of South East Asia Project

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CoSEA - Cardistry of South East Asia Project
« on: March 15, 2014, 09:50:57 AM »


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The New Deck Order (NDO) was formed with the idea of reaching out to Cardists all over the world, and to bring them closer together. We currently run #15secondcardistry on Instagram, and School of Cardistry on YouTube.
Involving 8 Cardists across 5 different countries, the Cardistry of Southeast Asia DVD is the largest Cardistry project ever. Get to know these masters who are constantly pushing the boundaries of this art, and gain insights from the creative minds of the hundreds of practitioners in the region.

These 8 cardists are:

Rama Dimasatria from Indonesia, winner of CDM 2011
Terry Lu from Thailand, winner of CCC 2011
AJ Arandilla from Philippines, Top 8 in WKC 2014
Khanh from Vietnam, Top 16 in WKC 2014
Amsyar Fikri from Malaysia, Top 16 in WKC 2014
Zombieflourish from Vietnam
Ilyta from Vietnam
David Gooi from Malaysia

Project includes DVD, Lecture Note and a Limited Edition Playing Cards

find out more at

Re: CoSEA - Cardistry of South East Asia Project
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2014, 11:57:17 AM »


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Not bad but it's never going to get funded on Indiegogo, playing cards never do, unless you are Zach Mueller.

Re: CoSEA - Cardistry of South East Asia Project
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2014, 01:53:39 PM »


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Seems like you have to spend $78 to get any decks

Re: CoSEA - Cardistry of South East Asia Project
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2014, 12:31:49 AM »

Don Boyer

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Not bad but it's never going to get funded on Indiegogo, playing cards never do, unless you are Zach Mueller.

That's about right.  IGG doesn't get anywhere near enough traffic.  People tend to shy away from it because of the charitable drives and the flexible funding - such as this project is using.

Flexible funding is a BAD idea.  You pledge for a reward, but if the project doesn't hit their goal, they likely can't deliver the reward - but they still get to keep your money.  It's practically legalized scamming!

I understand that by being based in Singapore, it's more difficult to get their project on Kickstarter - but using flexible funding kinda sucks the credibility right outta the room.

Seems like you have to spend $78 to get any decks

...and there goes ANOTHER big drawback.  Offering decks at a lower tier might have attracted card collectors who aren't necessarily cardists to fund this.  This maintains some exclusivity, making the decks available mostly for people who are seriously interested in cardistry - but any time you NARROW your potential field of customers, you also undercut your own profitability.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: CoSEA - Cardistry of South East Asia Project
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2014, 03:57:28 AM »


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Seems like you have to spend $78 to get any decks

Reading through the page, it states that "These cards are only available with a purchase of the DVD." It's a bit unclear, but I think the $39 pledge gets you one deck while the $78 CoSEA Card Collectors Package gets you three decks. It's a pity, I would've backed this project if there was a stand-alone tier for the decks only. :-\

Re: CoSEA - Cardistry of South East Asia Project
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2014, 05:24:49 AM »

Don Boyer

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Seems like you have to spend $78 to get any decks

Reading through the page, it states that "These cards are only available with a purchase of the DVD." It's a bit unclear, but I think the $39 pledge gets you one deck while the $78 CoSEA Card Collectors Package gets you three decks. It's a pity, I would've backed this project if there was a stand-alone tier for the decks only. :-\

Neither of the two $39 tiers mention getting a deck.  (And why there are two tiers for $39 that are nearly identical is beyond me - the only difference is that one of them provides a free download.  Who would want the equally-priced tier WITHOUT the download, really?)  The least expensive tier that offers a deck is $78.  There's no listing anywhere of ordering a deck as an add-on.  If it is indeed the case that you can get a deck at a lower tier or as an add-on, they did a terrible job of making that clear - which would be one more reason for not backing the project at all.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: CoSEA - Cardistry of South East Asia Project
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2014, 10:16:31 AM »


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I've reached out to Jaspas the creator of the project, and he confirmed that the $39 tier does not come with a deck. I've also invited him to join us on the Discourse. :)

Re: CoSEA - Cardistry of South East Asia Project
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2014, 10:21:01 AM »


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I've reached out to Jaspas the creator of the project, and he confirmed that the $39 tier does not come with a deck. I've also invited him to join us on the Discourse. :)
ya, that could make this project more clear, after all, i think 8000usd for this project is so high, hard to reach the goal

Re: CoSEA - Cardistry of South East Asia Project
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2014, 02:57:41 AM »

Don Boyer

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I've reached out to Jaspas the creator of the project, and he confirmed that the $39 tier does not come with a deck. I've also invited him to join us on the Discourse. :)
ya, that could make this project more clear, after all, i think 8000usd for this project is so high, hard to reach the goal

That would depend on the project and the printer.  If you were Kickstarting a USPC-made deck with a print run of 2,500, that US$8,000 wouldn't cover all the expenses - it might not even cover the printing itself, depending on the selected features.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
Playing Card Design & Development Consultant
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Re: CoSEA - Cardistry of South East Asia Project
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2014, 04:25:35 AM »


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I've reached out to Jaspas the creator of the project, and he confirmed that the $39 tier does not come with a deck. I've also invited him to join us on the Discourse. :)
ya, that could make this project more clear, after all, i think 8000usd for this project is so high, hard to reach the goal

That would depend on the project and the printer.  If you were Kickstarting a USPC-made deck with a print run of 2,500, that US$8,000 wouldn't cover all the expenses - it might not even cover the printing itself, depending on the selected features.

But the $8,000 isn't only for the decks, it's for producing the DVD too, isn't it?

"We've already spent a couple thousand dollars to get this project started. These include setup costs and costs of prototypes for the perks.

Transport and accommodation make up majority of our expenses for the tour, as we are spending two months traveling across 5 countries. Other expenses include production costs, lecture venue rental and our day-to-day expenses."


Re: CoSEA - Cardistry of South East Asia Project
« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2014, 10:36:22 AM »

Don Boyer

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I get a kick out of that chart - it doesn't list any actual values, but worse, it doesn't include the cost of making the deck!  I'm guessing they didn't plan to sell many of them...
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: CoSEA - Cardistry of South East Asia Project
« Reply #11 on: March 17, 2014, 11:00:49 AM »


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I don't get  "flexible funding" for a retail product. In my mind the only reason to go this route would be to  scam people. Secure the funding and it will bring more backers which means more money.
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Re: CoSEA - Cardistry of South East Asia Project
« Reply #12 on: March 17, 2014, 11:14:11 AM »

Don Boyer

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I don't get  "flexible funding" for a retail product. In my mind the only reason to go this route would be to  scam people. Secure the funding and it will bring more backers which means more money.

My sentiments exactly.  It just makes the whole thing seem a little sketchy.  If you don't hit your goal, you can't deliver on your tiers - otherwise, your budget was bogus to start with.  But if they don't hit the goal, they get to keep the cash?  For what?  Honorable Mention?  3rd Place?  It's a reward to the creator for failing!  I could say I need a zillion dollars to make my playing card project, so anyone foolish enough to back me is in essence putting cash straight into my wallet.  Why even have a deadline, right?  If you get the money either way, goal or no goal, they could simply pay it to you as you go, right?  Start up enough big-ticket projects that will never succeed, you could support a small family on income like that!

It's dumb, period.  Anyone backing such a project, they're even dumber - but that's my opinion...
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: CoSEA - Cardistry of South East Asia Project
« Reply #13 on: March 19, 2014, 12:29:51 AM »


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I don't get  "flexible funding" for a retail product. In my mind the only reason to go this route would be to  scam people. Secure the funding and it will bring more backers which means more money.

My sentiments exactly.  It just makes the whole thing seem a little sketchy.  If you don't hit your goal, you can't deliver on your tiers - otherwise, your budget was bogus to start with.  But if they don't hit the goal, they get to keep the cash?  For what?  Honorable Mention?  3rd Place?  It's a reward to the creator for failing!  I could say I need a zillion dollars to make my playing card project, so anyone foolish enough to back me is in essence putting cash straight into my wallet.  Why even have a deadline, right?  If you get the money either way, goal or no goal, they could simply pay it to you as you go, right?  Start up enough big-ticket projects that will never succeed, you could support a small family on income like that!

It's dumb, period.  Anyone backing such a project, they're even dumber - but that's my opinion...

This is brilliant.
I am just going to start cutting and pasting failed kickstarter deck projects and putting them on IGG at too high of a goal.
This way if any of them get fund, I will just make the deck and pay the original creator for it. and since most of them won't I will just live off of the decks that don't reach their goal. Hell I could even repost projects that fail with slighly lower goals saying "This is the second campaign, and we only need a little bit more to make this deck a reality" I am sure I could get some of the suckers that pledged the first time to pledge again.

This is great
Good bye door-to-door mop head salesman, Hello Easy Street.

Re: CoSEA - Cardistry of South East Asia Project
« Reply #14 on: March 19, 2014, 02:50:29 AM »

Don Boyer

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This is brilliant.
I am just going to start cutting and pasting failed kickstarter deck projects and putting them on IGG at too high of a goal.
This way if any of them get fund, I will just make the deck and pay the original creator for it. and since most of them won't I will just live off of the decks that don't reach their goal. Hell I could even repost projects that fail with slighly lower goals saying "This is the second campaign, and we only need a little bit more to make this deck a reality" I am sure I could get some of the suckers that pledged the first time to pledge again.

This is great
Good bye door-to-door mop head salesman, Hello Easy Street.

Oh, my.  I've created a monster...  :))
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
Playing Card Design & Development Consultant
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Re: CoSEA - Cardistry of South East Asia Project
« Reply #15 on: March 28, 2014, 08:00:55 PM »


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Just letting you guys know, they have a special from 29 March, 00:00 (UTC/GMT) to 30 March, 23:59 (UTC/GMT) where you will get a free deck with $39 DVD purchase.

Re: CoSEA - Cardistry of South East Asia Project
« Reply #16 on: March 28, 2014, 10:42:37 PM »


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They have specials on Indiegogo?

Re: CoSEA - Cardistry of South East Asia Project
« Reply #17 on: March 29, 2014, 12:18:26 AM »

Don Boyer

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They have specials on Indiegogo?

It's no different than the specials that appear on Kickstarter.  Some designer's project needs a shot in the arm, he makes temporary enticements to get new customers and get existing ones more deeply invested.  "Today only, back for two decks, get a third one for free!," and other such specials are not really unheard of.  I see no reason why IGG wouldn't do what KS is already doing.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: CoSEA - Cardistry of South East Asia Project
« Reply #18 on: April 01, 2014, 07:45:48 AM »


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I dont know about you guys but I am pretty stoked about this deck. Here are some pictures I took from Jaspas's instagram and the NDO indiegogo page.

Here are also some videos of the deck in action.

Re: CoSEA - Cardistry of South East Asia Project
« Reply #19 on: September 28, 2014, 01:05:57 PM »

Justin O.

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Official release was today for this DVD and the DVD+Deck sets can be purchased off the New Deck Order page for anyone that is interested. Their indigogo didn't fully fund but they financed what they needed beyond what they got from IGG and have produced. I ordered the DVD and Three deck package and will have two more decks than I need if anyone is interested in trades.
Kickstarter completely revolutionized the way I waste money.

The people who handle playing cards are always in a world of delicate fingertip technology.