Respected greetings to the EPCC
For what it's worth, I'm in agreement with the popular view that EPCC are the real deal when it comes to putting out products with superior quality.
I have a question about the card stock used for EPCC cards which are printed in Taiwan. The question is based on a discussion I had with Don a little while ago, and he recommended that I ask for clarification here... but I never got round to it, until today.
On the sales page for the Exquisite deck(s) it's implied that the paper/card for the Exquisites are the same as the paper that is used for the Legends, with the only difference being the way that the ink is used.
I use the V2 Legends a lot, and every once in a while I'll make use of the Exquisites also... and they do feel different. Some have said that there's a "slight difference"... but I think the difference is pretty huge. Whilst the coating does feel like it's the same, the Exquisite cards feel a lot softer and more flexible, and they also feel thinner.
Is the paper for Master Finish cards and Diamond Finish cards really the same? Master Finish cards feel a lot similar to V1 Legends than they do to V2.
Thank you for your time... and I look forward to all future EPCC releases.