I wanted to see the list of the decks that were printed by EPCC and compare their cards to the USPCC ones. I know that people usually say that EPCC's quality is better, but I would rather see that for myself
OK, EPCC has used two different printing plants thus far.
The cards from the plant in Shanghai, China are OK but require much more breaking in before they handle well, so in an instant-gratification Magic-Finish world, they're not as popular! The decks made there:
Global Titans (2 colors)
The Nautical Deck (commissioned by The Blue Crown/HOPC, 3 colors)
The plant in Taipei, Taiwan is thought of by a lot of us as the "holy grail" printing plant, where the best decks are being made today. Between Legend PCC and Expert PCC, these decks were made there:
Legends (original, 3 colors) * For LPCC
Legends (second edition, 2 colors for general sale, 3rd color exclusive to CARC {black}) * For LPCC
Exquisite (two colors)
Exquisite Bold (sold exclusively by the Art of Play)
NOC v3 (comissioned by The Blue Crown/HOPC)
Smith No. 3 (CARC exclusive)
Zenith Deck (commissioned by Paul Carpenter/Encarded)
I might have missed a deck or two, but that's what I can accurately recall, and there are more in the pipeline. The least expensive option that's still for sale would be the NOC decks at $4.95 a pack. Most of the decks mentioned were reasonably priced, with the notable exception of the Zenith deck - a limited edition of 1,000, each deck serial-numbered, they sold for just under $20 a pack and are completely sold out, only available from after-market retailers at a premium mark-up.