Quick question... One of the surprises I was thinking about doing was a 2nd (completely different) deck. There's tons of people I want to represent during this time period so I thought two decks would be a good way to do it. But once I start crunching my numbers before launching I came to the conclusion I would have to have a crazy high goal like $27,000 or so to do it that way. My question is... would it be possible to use people on the regular number cards (2 through 10) without people being upset about it? I want to represent as many people as possible but not break the bank or create a goal that's impossible to reach. If I keep it down to one deck my goal would be more like $14,000 or $15,000.
Have you considered a semi-transformation deck? You could present your historical figures and perhaps even images of places, battles, other events, etc. One deck could cover everything (and costs less to produce).
I would also suggest a launch on Monday rather than any time between Friday and Sunday inclusive. Many people in the US will be traveling or barbecuing or some other activity that will keep them away from a computer - you won't get that strong first day spike that many projects receive. Give them a chance to return home first, or launch tomorrow, in advance of the holiday weekend.
Yeah, God forbid international buyers having an advantage for a change.... 
Sorry, bro, but the simple fact is there are a lot more Americans overall on KS than people from other countries. There's no "advantage" if the deck doesn't grab a lot of attention on launch day and fails to gain momentum because the project could fail and then what good is that "advantage?" Given the choice, I'd rather be the hundredth person to a celebration than the first person to a funeral.
In simpler terms, it's to the creator's advantage, especially when you factor in that Dan and Dave are releasing a new Variety Box on the Fourth. You launch a sailboat on a windy day, not a day when the wind has been sucked away by other goings-on. Think of it like Cyber Monday - people will be back from their long weekend, on their computers at work...
(And I know you weren't being very serious but I thought this was worth mentioning nonetheless.)