I'm not concerned so much about price, I generally buy based on whether it's a good value, at least in my own mind. Being primarily a collector, I would leave them sealed, just in case I ever decided to sell. I would never see the cards, and the tuck wouldn't be any more spectacular than any other tuck, so they would provide me no more value than any other deck. The extra cost would remain (for me, at least) locked inside of that tuck. I have a few high-dollar Aurum Laser Cut decks. Sealed, but I get to enjoy them because the majority of the value is the cut tuck. Value to me, even sealed, so they were worth every penny to me. All of my JNuggs have already been opened (By their previous owners), so I get full enjoyment of the supreme handling of those, and when I buy some sealed versions, I won't be tempted to open them to see what the fuss is about.
I wouldn't want to buy two, just to open one to see what the backs looked like in person. I know that this sounds weird (probably especially to Don, and I understand completely), but that's just the way that my thinking is wired, and how I buy. This is why I just didn't buy them. I may keep an eye out for an opened deck on eBay and pick up one if it's not too pricey, but that would be it.