Hey guys at the Discourse ... I am currently doing a deck on kickstarter that breaks some of the "rules" by only featuring one queen ... I am currently working to have 4 different poses vs what I originally had due to some "suggestions" which I took heed to.. now.. If you can look past the queen.. I think you might find it cool.. Now I know it falls into the "minimal" back design.. but I just happen to like that look.. I have more decks in the future.. I'm just asking you give this a chance.. Since it is not your average deck I have made the prices very attractive.. $85 bricks for early birds.. $95 for regular.. USA free ship. $8 per deck. I have a lot of cool perks..
** The borders will be thinner and more square.. this is just a prototype.. ***
I do have a lot of fun easter eggs hidden in the cards.. now.. I normally don't give away easter eggs.. but Lee Asher said you were a cool bunch.. so I am gonna tell you.. On the Jack of Diamonds.. or Kevin ho's card.. on the staff if you hold a mirror up to it.. it reads FUCK YOU in fancy script...
See... cool right..
Now I know not everyone is gonna be feeling this deck.. but I would ask you to see if you like the perks maybe.. I have a cool tee and notebook.
Thanks for your time guys.. Please check it out and please don't be too rough on the reviews.. (-__-)
Jared Hansen
www.trovastudio.com PS I do graphic design for magicians if anyone needs it.