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Antique decks for sale or exchange

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Antique decks for sale or exchange
« on: July 12, 2014, 12:04:19 PM »


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I create this post because I have in my collection several decks which I would like to sell or exchange and I wanted to present them to you before putting them on eBay.

There is a pix for every deck and a description. If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact me. I can send you additional photos.

Cabinet #707 (Hochman US12) c1888 [Gold Edges]
32+J + OB1 (Cloth Box), Excellent ++
Slight traces on some cards. Beautif Binoculars Back.

Sale : $230 OBO
Exchange : Other Russell & Morgan PTG or antique Euchre/32 card deck preferred.

Climax #14 (Hochman AD37) c1905 [Gold Edges]
52+J + OB1, Excellent + 
Very nice Brown Baby Back

Sale : $125 OBO
Exchange : Andrew Dougherty deck, antique deck between 1900-1915 in excellent condition.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 10:14:57 AM by Cryptocard27 »

Re: Antique decks for sale or exchange
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2014, 12:06:49 PM »


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Steamboat #0 (Hochman AD24) c1900
52+J + OB2, Very Good

Sale : $80 OBO
Exchange : Andrew Dougherty decks, other antique decks between 1900-1915

Rhineland, Standard PCC
Complete Pinochle deck + OB1, Near Mint

Sale : $45
Exchange : Antique decks or newest decks

« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 10:12:18 AM by Cryptocard27 »

Re: Antique decks for sale or exchange
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2014, 12:09:13 PM »


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Elf #93 (Hochman NY63) c1890
52, no Joker + OB2, Excellent ++
Nice Monkey Back

Sale : $30
Exchange : any antique decks in good condition

Mascotte #69 (Hochman NY56) c1890
52+J + Wrapper (with tear) + OB1, Open Mint
Slight traces on the edges

Sale : $115 OBO
Exchange : Samuel Hart, Consolidated decks, other antique decks between 1890-1915
« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 10:09:22 AM by Cryptocard27 »

Re: Antique decks for sale or exchange
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2014, 12:11:37 PM »


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Triton #42 (Hochman NY51b) c1915
52+J + OB1 (With writing on one inside part)
Excellent Condition

Sale : $85 OBO
Exchange : Consolidated or other antique decks between 1900-1915 in good condition.

Hart's Squeezers (Hochman NY50)
52+J No Box, Excellent 
The color of the back of the joker is slightly different and more pink than the other cards.

Sale : $60 OBO
Exchange : Antique decks or newest in good condition.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 10:13:10 AM by Cryptocard27 »

Re: Antique decks for sale or exchange
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2014, 12:15:19 PM »


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Hart's Squeezers #352 (Hochman NY50)
52+J + OB3, Very Good
Very Nice Back !

Sale : $105 OBO
Exchange : antique decks between 1890-1915

Full House Poker Cards #555 (Hochman NU13) c1896
52 + 11 and 12 spot pips + OB1, Excellent +

Sale : $75 OBO
Exchange : Antique decks or newest in Excellent condition.

« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 10:29:46 AM by Cryptocard27 »

Re: Antique decks for sale or exchange
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2014, 02:54:25 PM »

Don Boyer

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Cryptocard, I hope you don't mind, but I moved your topic to a more appropriate board, "Sales, Trades and In Search Of (STISO)".  People looking to trade, buy, sell, etc. all come here.

Good luck!
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
Playing Card Design & Development Consultant
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Re: Antique decks for sale or exchange
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2014, 12:56:57 PM »


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Cryptocard, I hope you don't mind, but I moved your topic to a more appropriate board, "Sales, Trades and In Search Of (STISO)".  People looking to trade, buy, sell, etc. all come here.

Good luck!

I have no problem with this. On the contrary, I think that it is much better here.
Thank you very much Don  ;)
« Last Edit: July 13, 2014, 12:57:27 PM by Cryptocard27 »

Re: Antique decks for sale or exchange
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2014, 01:42:27 AM »


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Cryptocard, I hope you don't mind, but I moved your topic to a more appropriate board, "Sales, Trades and In Search Of (STISO)".  People looking to trade, buy, sell, etc. all come here.

Good luck!

I have no problem with this. On the contrary, I think that it is much better here.
Thank you very much Don  ;)

Is there a price range that you are looking for for each deck? Or what are some of the cards that you are interested in for exchange? Modern decks or other vintage decks..etc?

Re: Antique decks for sale or exchange
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2014, 03:07:47 PM »


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Cryptocard, I hope you don't mind, but I moved your topic to a more appropriate board, "Sales, Trades and In Search Of (STISO)".  People looking to trade, buy, sell, etc. all come here.

Good luck!

I have no problem with this. On the contrary, I think that it is much better here.
Thank you very much Don  ;)

Is there a price range that you are looking for for each deck? Or what are some of the cards that you are interested in for exchange? Modern decks or other vintage decks..etc?

Hi PurpleIce,

Concerning the sale, the price range is different for every deck according to its quality and rarity. I have already had several messages of members interested to buy so I think of making as a small auction : I give the start price for the first person (for example $60 for the Triton) and if one second is interested, I let make a better offer but If nobody else has "bidded", you simply won the deck if you agree with the start price.

For the exchange I look for antique decks too and for example, If I exchange the Cabinet #707 deck, I would prefer another Russell & Morgan PTG Co deck or a deck of same value.

I hope I have answered your questions and if you have any others, please do not hesitate to ask me.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 03:43:24 PM by Cryptocard27 »

Re: Antique decks for sale or exchange
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2014, 09:04:18 PM »


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Hi PurpleIce,

Concerning the sale, the price range is different for every deck according to its quality and rarity. I have already had several messages of members interested to buy so I think of making as a small auction : I give the start price for the first person (for example $60 for the Triton) and if one second is interested, I let make a better offer but If nobody else has "bidded", you simply won the deck if you agree with the start price.

For the exchange I look for antique decks too and for example, If I exchange the Cabinet #707 deck, I would prefer another Russell & Morgan PTG Co deck or a deck of same value.

I hope I have answered your questions and if you have any others, please do not hesitate to ask me.

Hi Crypto,

If you plan on selling in that manner, I am going to request that you do so publicly on the thread. My concern is that a form of shill bidding can occur, where a seller can say to a buyer "Another member is messaging me saying he'll pay a higher price" even if that isn't the case, so that the real buyer must pay more. I am certainly not accusing you of this at all, but this is the best way to avoid it from happening to/from anyone. If there is bidding going on privately either, post the username of who is bidding on what, when they bid and what their "bid" or price range was.

Buyers: To go a step further on this, if you have a price in mind for a certain item, to protect yourself from this type of situation, post your "bid" on the thread directly in the form of a reply. That way, you and anyone else interested, knows that there was a real, tangible bid made from a real person on the forums.

Crypto: Although I know it may be a hassle as you said you've already gotten a few messages with bids, but please post or update your current post with the bids that you have received so far.

Thank you.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 09:07:37 PM by Angel_magic »
Check out my thread with a BUNCH of rare decks and accessories for sale!

Re: Antique decks for sale or exchange
« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2014, 11:10:08 PM »

Don Boyer

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Actually, allow me to make it exceptionally simple for all involved.

Auction sales occurring directly on the Discourse are no longer permitted - we suspended them nearly a year ago.  If you wish to create an auction, I will ask that you post your sale on an auction site (eBay is preferred but any reputable site would be acceptable) and post a link to the auction here.

Cryptocard, if you would, please go back to the entry for each deck you're seeking to trade or sell and include for each deck something that you'd be willing to accept in exchange for the deck.  For example: "Looking for $100 or equal value in R&M decks" or "Seeking $75 OBO (or best offer)".  Our buyers find it easier to commit to a purchase when they know what you are looking to get in exchange.  "OBO" indicates you want a certain price, but are willing to go a little lower if you fail to sell at said price.

Thanks, gentlemen, for your time and attention.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 11:11:36 PM by Don Boyer »
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
Playing Card Design & Development Consultant
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Re: Antique decks for sale or exchange
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2014, 06:13:14 AM »


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Hi PurpleIce,

Concerning the sale, the price range is different for every deck according to its quality and rarity. I have already had several messages of members interested to buy so I think of making as a small auction : I give the start price for the first person (for example $60 for the Triton) and if one second is interested, I let make a better offer but If nobody else has "bidded", you simply won the deck if you agree with the start price.

For the exchange I look for antique decks too and for example, If I exchange the Cabinet #707 deck, I would prefer another Russell & Morgan PTG Co deck or a deck of same value.

I hope I have answered your questions and if you have any others, please do not hesitate to ask me.

Hi Crypto,

If you plan on selling in that manner, I am going to request that you do so publicly on the thread. My concern is that a form of shill bidding can occur, where a seller can say to a buyer "Another member is messaging me saying he'll pay a higher price" even if that isn't the case, so that the real buyer must pay more. I am certainly not accusing you of this at all, but this is the best way to avoid it from happening to/from anyone. If there is bidding going on privately either, post the username of who is bidding on what, when they bid and what their "bid" or price range was.

Buyers: To go a step further on this, if you have a price in mind for a certain item, to protect yourself from this type of situation, post your "bid" on the thread directly in the form of a reply. That way, you and anyone else interested, knows that there was a real, tangible bid made from a real person on the forums.

Crypto: Although I know it may be a hassle as you said you've already gotten a few messages with bids, but please post or update your current post with the bids that you have received so far.

Thank you.

Hi Angel_magic,

Thank you for your message. It's a difficult sometimes for me to understand all of the sentences perfectly but I think I understood the main in your post. I haven't thought about that point and I'm going to change the descriptions to include the first prices.

Re: Antique decks for sale or exchange
« Reply #12 on: July 16, 2014, 06:16:45 AM »


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Actually, allow me to make it exceptionally simple for all involved.

Auction sales occurring directly on the Discourse are no longer permitted - we suspended them nearly a year ago.  If you wish to create an auction, I will ask that you post your sale on an auction site (eBay is preferred but any reputable site would be acceptable) and post a link to the auction here.

Cryptocard, if you would, please go back to the entry for each deck you're seeking to trade or sell and include for each deck something that you'd be willing to accept in exchange for the deck.  For example: "Looking for $100 or equal value in R&M decks" or "Seeking $75 OBO (or best offer)".  Our buyers find it easier to commit to a purchase when they know what you are looking to get in exchange.  "OBO" indicates you want a certain price, but are willing to go a little lower if you fail to sell at said price.

Thanks, gentlemen, for your time and attention.

No problem Don. I will include the prices very quickly. Thank you for the "OBO" definition!

Re: Antique decks for sale or exchange
« Reply #13 on: July 16, 2014, 07:30:32 AM »


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Outing #17 (Hochman AD30) c1895
52, no joker, no box ; Poor condition

Sale : Minimum $20
Exchange : any decks I don't have

Hart's Squeezers #352 (Hochman NY49/50)
52 + Joker ; Excellent Condition
Very nice Joker !

Sale : $110 OBO
Exchange : Samuel Hart, Consolidated or other antique decks between 1890-1915
« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 10:11:20 AM by Cryptocard27 »