Have you antique photos where we see antique playing cards but where we can recognize the maker or the name of the deck ?
I begin with two :
1 : A young woman has in her hand four antique American Kalamazoo aces.
2 : Three men play poker with an antique Bicycle deck, Expert (or Old Fan?) back.
Now it is your turn.. Thank you in advance to everyone who will participate 
There's an entire book of photos like these, only recently released. I think Larry Lubliner wrote it. I'm pretty sure it's for sale at dananddave.com.
BTW: the subjects of the photos would never have called them "antique" at the time the photo was actually taken. You could, in theory, call EVERYTHING you see in the photos "antique" if you think about it, so why call any of them antique?

After a close examination of the image scans, I'm thinking that the deck used in the second photo was the Expert Back rather than the Old Fan Back. My reasoning is that, while the resolution of the scan isn't high enough for a great amount of detail, it is plainly visible that the images in the corners of the deck back design are perfectly round, as you would find in the Expert Back, and not more "oval"/fan-shaped as you would find in the Old Fan Back.