@Justin - Your deck could be better. YOu have an art deck. So we should expect "1-way" courts and pip cards, but you still need to have indices. It make sense to have the courts spelled out "King", "Queen", "Jack" I get your theme but you need the suit indicator under the rank. Like in your queen just put a suit under the "Q" and your good. If you flip it and put it on the other side your golden. It's still a "1-way" front but the deck is functional.
I see the back of your card has the suits in it. It's been done many, many times. It makes your back "1-way" If you really want to use the suits that's fine, but make the the back somehow "2-way"
All great comments and I thank you for taking the time and letting me know your thoughts on the Kids Deck. I'll touch on a couple points that you mentioned.
Every card face in the Kids Deck has the number written out or as a numeral. I believe one of the pictures above was an early version that didn't have a numeral on the card. We wanted kids as well as adults to be able to easily identify what a card was.
In regards to the back, yes it is a one way back and I did that intentionally. Remember, this is a deck for kids as well as kids becoming magicians. One of the decks that is widely used by magicians is a Stripper Deck. I wanted a deck of cards that kids could use as a Stripper Deck, without the Stripper portion. And I teach this in the DVD that is also part of the Kickstarter package. You can show the cards to a layman, have them select out a card, and then put it back the same way you would a stripper deck. 98% of people will never realize what is happening. And other than die hard card fanatics, having cards this way really doesn't matter. These cards look like they were made by kids and that's what I was going for. It's not going to be the same pips on each corner with a numeral.
I hope that answers your questions and again I really do appreciate the comments. I know this may not appeal to all die hard card fans but I think this is a deck that really speaks to kids as well as someone who loves fun cards. Chat later