On Friday I modified my pledge for 12 decks to 26 decks... because I like them that much brother!
Randy has said that there'll be no more recolours or reprints, which is fair enough... but in time, that'll probably make people kick themselves for not getting more of these, once they see the deck reviews on YouTube. The way the tuck box has been described, it sounds like it's going to be really awesome -- better than what the rendered images show.
I really like what Randy has done with the courts -- I think he's the best when it comes to adding a twist to traditional courts.
The price point for these decks makes it a pretty awesome deal -- chances are that the price will be $15 and upwards when they start appearing on eBay.
I'm buying the decks purely for personal use, and to add to my collection, rather than resale. Chances are that when I run out, I'll be kicking myself for not (somehow!) being able to get a 3rd brick... but then again, I've pledged for as much as my monthly budget allows me to