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The Inevitable Religious talk/debate thread (keep it classy)

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Re: The Inevitable Religious talk/debate thread (keep it classy)
« Reply #50 on: December 05, 2011, 07:17:24 PM »


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Dissidents.  I think the passive aggressive 'I don't like you but I have to' approach is quite endearing, by the way.

While my post was a reply to yours and I'll admit, I do hold some malice for the RC Church, that anger is in no way directed at you or any other good people who are a part of it.  I am aware of the history of the Spanish Inquisition (and yes, I know where Spain is.  I've even been a few times).  It wasn't the only inquisition, you know, nor was it the last.  The Roman Catholic church killed 'heretics' right up until the 1920s, an 800 year run of blood on the church's hands.  No comment on the crusades or Mother Theresa, then?

Look, I know this stuff gets my blood boiled quite a bit and I can be quite acerbic when I'm talking about it but you have to realize that from my perspective, the church has indulged and continues to indulge in appalling behaviour.  Growing up in Northern Ireland, I have seen religious differences cause otherwise impossible hate and violence towards our fellow man and learning more about the world has shown me the terrible misdeeds that the church continues to perpetuate.  It seems that much of their policy is designed in order to keep their followers suffering and faithful and you can't deny that they have made an extortionate amount of money from doing so.  To my mind, as an atheist and simply as a human being, the RC church is probably the single most evil organization in existence and I make no apologies for saying so.

If you don't want to talk about it any more, that's fine; if you change your mind, I'm more than happy to continue.

Re: The Inevitable Religious talk/debate thread (keep it classy)
« Reply #51 on: December 05, 2011, 07:27:07 PM »


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I thought I was the only one who realizes Mother Theresa did more harm for this world than good.

Her contributions were only centers for sick people to die in. They received little to no medical aid, only got religious counseling and last rights as forms of treatment, were often starved and deprived of water, and were not allowed to contact their living family members.

Mother Theresa should rot in hell if there ever is such a thing. She has nothing to do with liking your religion, and I advise anyone brought up to think she was a miracle worker to do some more reading on her.

I grew up in a Jewish household that constantly praised her. It was not until a few years ago I realized what kind of sick atrocities were behind her veil of saintly woman. Almost ALL of the money she received went directly to the Church, and NOT to the sick people she claimed to be helping.

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Re: The Inevitable Religious talk/debate thread (keep it classy)
« Reply #52 on: December 05, 2011, 07:32:40 PM »


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No, you think you now something but you do not. Arguing with you would be similar to Jew arguing with a Muslim who can only come back with a reply "Israel must be driven into the sea." To argue further would be pointless as you will only reply to what you have in your head. It is not that I like you because I have to, It is that I have no reason to dislike you. Why, because you express ideas I find insultive. If I disliked people beause I find them disagreable, I would like very few people. So it was not, as you say, passive aggresive. The last thing I shall say to you is this :-X

Re: The Inevitable Religious talk/debate thread (keep it classy)
« Reply #53 on: December 05, 2011, 07:57:00 PM »


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I must admit, had I know that Alex and Kanped would respond like this I never would have posted. I do not try to convert, I do not try to stir controversy so I apologize if I upset you guys. I guess this is not the time to talk theology. My bad.

Re: The Inevitable Religious talk/debate thread (keep it classy)
« Reply #54 on: December 05, 2011, 08:00:54 PM »


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I must admit, had I know that Alex and Kanped would respond like this I never would have posted. I do not try to convert, I do not try to stir controversy so I apologize if I upset you guys. I guess this is not the time to talk theology. My bad.

No one is offended or "stirred up" here. This actually is the time to talk theology. The whole point of The Discourse is to encourage conversations, even if they may be uncomfortable. If you choose not to participate, that's your right, but keep in mind everyone else here wants you to.

Debates are not personal. They are debates. :)
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Re: The Inevitable Religious talk/debate thread (keep it classy)
« Reply #55 on: December 05, 2011, 08:03:35 PM »


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Debates my good man are one thing. This is something else. I think you know that. How is saying "Mother Theresa should burn in hell" a debate. What do I say?, "no she should not" and consider that part of a debate. How does one debate viewpoints like that. That is what I am saying Alex. Discussions like that are not Theological and if you refer to my posts on the subject you would see that is where I was going. You and Mr. K just showed me there is no place for that here.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2011, 08:10:40 PM by eggman »

Re: The Inevitable Religious talk/debate thread (keep it classy)
« Reply #56 on: December 05, 2011, 08:13:43 PM »


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Debates my good man are one thing. This is something else. I think you know that. How is saying "Mother Theresa should burn in hell" a debate. What do I say?, "no she should not" and consider that part of a debate. How to one debate viewpoints like that.

Do realize that to me the concept of Hell is a joke, and not the same as it is to you. My Hell is a place where people I don't like I can envision in. Your Hell is reserved for some kind of sinners but not others, or whatever.

Mother Theresa is a person just like anyone else in the world, and I will not treat her as a holy figure if I do not see her as such. If I had similarly posted "Obama should burn in hell" in a political thread, I would be asked "Why?" not "Why are you offending us Democrats?"

Obama and M.T. are just people, and so are you and I. No one gets preferential treatment.  :)

Also, that small comment in my post was a part of a very large point, one that was not debated by you, but instead ignored. Debates are point/counterpoint/point/counterpoint. They are not point/"I do not approve of your point"/point/"I do not approve of that point either"
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Re: The Inevitable Religious talk/debate thread (keep it classy)
« Reply #57 on: December 05, 2011, 08:23:25 PM »


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Are you trying to take some kind of great opened minded high road? It is not, it is the exact opposite. Who do you think Mother Theresa thought she was, I can tell you, she thought she was a failed person. Anyone who considers themselves Holy, by the doctine of the faith is not. Secondly, this has nothing to do with Obama, I guess you were trying to relate something there to make it all seem cool. I  spent a summer in India about ten years ago and I do have first hand experience with Mother Theresas Hospice. Anyway, I am not sure you know what a debate it is. Oh well, let us face it, this place is about cards. Why bother with this here.

Re: The Inevitable Religious talk/debate thread (keep it classy)
« Reply #58 on: December 05, 2011, 08:31:39 PM »


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No, you think you now something but you do not

Err... you think you know of the existence and nature of god.  I am not claiming to know anything on that subject; remember, it's 'I do not believe in god', not 'I believe there is no god'.  I am more than happy to be proven wrong on any subject you can bring up, it means that I learned something.  I have not stated anything that is untrue, to the best of my knowledge and I have not said anything insulting or antagonizing to anyone in particular (I did allow myself one little dig about the way you wrote your post but let's be honest, here; you were insulting my intelligence and I don't like that).

Any forum should be about discussion of any nature; I don't believe that The Discourse is supposed to be just about cards and the only reason that this thread exists is because the subject came up and I wanted to talk about it without hijacking the other thread; the first thing in this thread is a quote from that one.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2011, 08:33:37 PM by Kanped »

Re: The Inevitable Religious talk/debate thread (keep it classy)
« Reply #59 on: December 05, 2011, 08:34:30 PM »


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Are you trying to take some kind of great opened minded high road? It is not, it is the exact opposite. Who do you think Mother Theresa thought she was, I can tell you, she thought she was a failed person. Anyone who considers themselves Holy, by the doctine of the faith is not. Secondly, this has nothing to do with Obama, I guess you were trying to relate something there to make it all seem cool. I  spent a summer in India about ten years ago and I do have first hand experience with Mother Theresas Hospice. Anyway, I am not sure you know what a debate it is. Oh well, let us face it, this place is about cards. Why bother with this here.

This place is NOT about cards. This is the general discussion board. When you registered for this site, you signed an agreement electronically that verifies your rights to not view threads you don't like. I never have and never will censor anyone on this forum and that includes myself.

People are within their right to decide what they do and do not want to share. So far, the only person here that has made a personal attack in this thread is yourself.

Please review our Etiquettes, and then feel free to either rejoin the thread or ignore it entirely.

If you want, you can even make your own thread about praising Mother Theresa if she is that important to you. You won't be censored or attacked, because we are civil here.

Some of the members I respect most on these boards are very religious, but I do not equate a love for a mortal person to have anything to do with someone's religion.

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Re: The Inevitable Religious talk/debate thread (keep it classy)
« Reply #60 on: December 05, 2011, 08:49:34 PM »


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This entire forum is about cards, that is what I meant. This is just a distraction for when people who get sick of talking about cards talk about something else and then go back to talking about cards. Look, I do not care if people hate Religion. You can say whatever you want about me, faith, baseball, fireflys, the Great Wall of China, mating habits of the Iranian mudskipper. I was just surprised about the level of ignorance included in your response and then stating it is a "debate".  :-X  Makes no sense. Anyway, what the hell, perhaps this particular thread is not about cards but as they say, "You do not go to a whore house to listen to the music."  You need to review the posts or review your definition of a personal attack. Ignorance is not an attack, merley a way of looking at things. It has it's benefits. I choose to be ignorant about many subjects in life, especially Iranian Mudskippers.

Re: The Inevitable Religious talk/debate thread (keep it classy)
« Reply #61 on: December 05, 2011, 08:55:00 PM »


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So far, the only person here that has made a personal attack in this thread is yourself.

No, I'll hold my hands up here.  I called him passive-aggressive and while I believe that it was true, it was personal.

I just don't get what we're supposedly ignorant about here.  Where did I state something that was untrue?

Re: The Inevitable Religious talk/debate thread (keep it classy)
« Reply #62 on: December 05, 2011, 09:11:23 PM »


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You missed it, I am not talking about Religion anymore. I was saying there was another part of this that was amiss. Look, this is going nowhere, passive aggresive is not an insult, it is a diagnoses. Probably not the only one. I am sure a shrink would have a feild day with me. See, I made fun of myself, a personal attack against myself, are we even Oh yea whom are free of psych diagnoses.

Re: The Inevitable Religious talk/debate thread (keep it classy)
« Reply #63 on: December 05, 2011, 11:02:48 PM »


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You missed it, I am not talking about Religion anymore. I was saying there was another part of this that was amiss. Look, this is going nowhere, passive aggresive is not an insult, it is a diagnoses. Probably not the only one. I am sure a shrink would have a feild day with me. See, I made fun of myself, a personal attack against myself, are we even Oh yea whom are free of psych diagnoses.

You may call yourself however you want, but you will not call other people "ignorant" and play the role of victim.

Again, I have no qualms with your beliefs. I see no reason you can't make a post in this thread about why I or someone else is wrong. Until then, I will assume I am right. That's how the world works, there is no use in fighting it.
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Re: The Inevitable Religious talk/debate thread (keep it classy)
« Reply #64 on: December 05, 2011, 11:46:18 PM »


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religion= faith. faith is believing in something unknown. i have faith that a nuclear war will not happen tonight, however i could be wrong.

the same thing goes for my personal faith. i believe what i believe, i could be wrong, i dont think i am, but that's faith. no sense in arguing about such things. :)
have you heard the word???

Re: The Inevitable Religious talk/debate thread (keep it classy)
« Reply #65 on: December 06, 2011, 03:41:42 AM »

Don Boyer

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I think the intention is utterly clear; you can be punished for your thoughts.  I have no idea why you would try to justify it with your own addendum.
I think the divergent interpretations are an offshoot effect of people actively disagreeing with what has been said but been so manipulated by a religious upbringing that they bend the text's intentions to fit their own good morals.  I know lots of Christians who do that (and I'm very glad they do but to me it shows that they do have some doubts).

You can't prove the non-existence of something; proof doesn't work like that.  It doesn't mean you have to give validity to something that may exist; by that reasoning, I could create any story about the creation and maintenance of the universe and you would have to say that it is just as valid as any of the major religions because there is no evidence for anything other than that this all could have happened without divine intervention.

Actually, you can prove the non-existence of something.  If I have an enclosed space and keep filtering the air through enough desiccants that I remove all the water from the air, then use moisture meter readings to confirm this finding, then have I non proved the non-existence of water in that space?  If I use an anti-bacterial spray, wipe, lotion, etc. and thoroughly examine a cleaned surface treated by such to find no bacteria present, have I not proved the non-existence of bacteria there?

Your "made-up" creation story would be just as valid as any of the religions out there right now.  All creation stories were made by someone, somewhere.  They didn't just fall out of the sky, completely written and ready to disseminate to the masses.  Yours wouldn't have centuries of religious doctrine to back it up, but it would be no less a man-made concept than any other religious creation concept.  Scientists haven't even completely settled on a scientific explanation for the origins of the universe - they've got some good theories, but nothing that is as of yet conclusive.


Dissidents.  I think the passive aggressive 'I don't like you but I have to' approach is quite endearing, by the way.

While my post was a reply to yours and I'll admit, I do hold some malice for the RC Church, that anger is in no way directed at you or any other good people who are a part of it.  I am aware of the history of the Spanish Inquisition (and yes, I know where Spain is.  I've even been a few times).  It wasn't the only inquisition, you know, nor was it the last.  The Roman Catholic church killed 'heretics' right up until the 1920s, an 800 year run of blood on the church's hands.  No comment on the crusades or Mother Theresa, then?

Look, I know this stuff gets my blood boiled quite a bit and I can be quite acerbic when I'm talking about it but you have to realize that from my perspective, the church has indulged and continues to indulge in appalling behaviour.  Growing up in Northern Ireland, I have seen religious differences cause otherwise impossible hate and violence towards our fellow man and learning more about the world has shown me the terrible misdeeds that the church continues to perpetuate.  It seems that much of their policy is designed in order to keep their followers suffering and faithful and you can't deny that they have made an extortionate amount of money from doing so.  To my mind, as an atheist and simply as a human being, the RC church is probably the single most evil organization in existence and I make no apologies for saying so.

If you don't want to talk about it any more, that's fine; if you change your mind, I'm more than happy to continue.

While I've never been involved with any religious conflicts or lived where they were common, I can understand the suffering such conflicts create.  It's insanity; both sides supposedly followed a religion which shared history with the other and that considered understanding and peace as a core belief, and yet hundreds were killed or maimed.

On the topic of "indulgences" - the Catholic Church has actually reinstituted the practice of issuing "indulgences" recently, for a limited time.  This was one of the church's practices that led to Martin Luther's split with Rome and the Reformation.,8599,1881152,00.html

Did people really need greater incentive to commit acts of charity?

This entire forum is about cards, that is what I meant. This is just a distraction for when people who get sick of talking about cards talk about something else and then go back to talking about cards. Look, I do not care if people hate Religion. You can say whatever you want about me, faith, baseball, fireflys, the Great Wall of China, mating habits of the Iranian mudskipper. I was just surprised about the level of ignorance included in your response and then stating it is a "debate".  :-X  Makes no sense. Anyway, what the hell, perhaps this particular thread is not about cards but as they say, "You do not go to a whore house to listen to the music."  You need to review the posts or review your definition of a personal attack. Ignorance is not an attack, merley a way of looking at things. It has it's benefits. I choose to be ignorant about many subjects in life, especially Iranian Mudskippers.

Actually, you'd be surprised at just how many patrons of whore houses do go there for things other than creative bedroom activities.  Many go just to have the company, to be held by a woman, to be soothed, to have conversation.  I suppose you could say that's pretty much "listening to the music."

You're making a lot of assumptions in your arguments, assumptions that you can't back up.  I would ask MrMagic to back up his statement regarding Catholics and Christians, but he appears to have given up on this thread.  And no, I'm not "struggling with faith;" I have faith in many things, but religion by and large isn't one of them.  No struggle, no tossing and turning, staying up all night pondering the imponderable (well, all day, since I work nights).  The only things that keep me up are playing cards, the Internet, TV, porn, sex and bad food, and not necessarily in that order.

Perhaps you should consider your own conclusion that this is strictly a forum for cards and comment on those topics instead?  For someone who previously stated what he said were his last words on this topic, you seem to have an awful lot more left to say.  Either way, the choice is yours, but when a topic starts wobbling like a dying top, that's when I start looking for the exit doors.
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Re: The Inevitable Religious talk/debate thread (keep it classy)
« Reply #66 on: December 06, 2011, 10:11:37 AM »


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religion= faith. faith is believing in something unknown. i have faith that a nuclear war will not happen tonight, however i could be wrong.

No faith is believing in something without reason.  mrMagic had a perfect definition of it earlier in this thread.  You don't need faith that there won't be a nuclear war because there's plenty of evidence to suggest that there won't be.

@Sabbac, There could always be more sensitive measuring devices, flawed data etc. etc. any number of things.  Does this mean that we cannot prove anything for sure, either?  Kind of, but if we set up our test in such a way that any unknown element or anything we have missed does exist, it will be statistically insignificant and shouldn't affect the results.

If my invented creation story is as valid as any other, doesn't that devalue creation stories, generally?  What if I made up a million creation stories?  What if everyone on the planet made up a million creation stories?  If they are all valid, this could continue until the chance of any one of them being correct is infinitesimally small.

One more thing I wanted to clear up with you; atheism is not a belief and is not contradictory to agnosticism.

If you can say "I don't think we can know for sure if there is a God or not', then you are agnostic.  However, you can say that and still believe in god, making you an agnostic theist.

If you can say "I do not believe that there is a God", then you are an atheist.  You may be both an agnostic and an atheist or you may be just an atheist ("I know there is no God").

As I said before, I am an agnostic and an atheist and by the sounds of things, it would seem that you are, too.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2011, 10:12:14 AM by Kanped »

Re: The Inevitable Religious talk/debate thread (keep it classy)
« Reply #67 on: December 06, 2011, 12:00:00 PM »


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You missed it, I am not talking about Religion anymore. I was saying there was another part of this that was amiss. Look, this is going nowhere, passive aggresive is not an insult, it is a diagnoses. Probably not the only one. I am sure a shrink would have a feild day with me. See, I made fun of myself, a personal attack against myself, are we even Oh yea whom are free of psych diagnoses.

You may call yourself however you want, but you will not call other people "ignorant" and play the role of victim.

Again, I have no qualms with your beliefs. I see no reason you can't make a post in this thread about why I or someone else is wrong. Until then, I will assume I am right. That's how the world works, there is no use in fighting it.
I never called myself a victim. I never called anybody ignorant. I called statements ignorant. You can think you are right all you want. That is fine. I make many stupid decisions each day, that does not make me stupid. Alex, I was simply surprised by your mother theresa comments. I am not condoning you for making them, you are free to do so. If you had bad experiences like kanap did and it left you bitter about something I understand (that happened to me with Jack Daniels) I was just surprised and did not expect you to come across like that. I see kanap and you are still taking the religous part of this, that is over for me, what you think is what you think. I was merely surprised at the tactics of the discussion. I guess I am not being clear enough.

Re: The Inevitable Religious talk/debate thread (keep it classy)
« Reply #68 on: December 06, 2011, 02:36:28 PM »


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I guess I will try to explain before I bow out. I am a bit intolerant against intolerance. I think their was a bit of hate speach that came about after I posted my ideas about the Catholic Church. Their are 1.2 billion Catholics in the world and I guess I did not run into any here. I understand people have problems with Religion. I did at one point myself. In the end, many people hate the Catholic Church for what they think it is, few, if any, hate it for what it is. I did not attack anyone on a personal level nor do I feel I was attacked at a personal level. Dialouge and debate is of value to me, but when you say the basis of one point of view is evil, intelligent debate ends, unless he is talking about evil itself. I can admit I did become hot under the collar and spoke out of turn. If you refer to the start of this, I simply was brining up historical fact which was attacked. Again, I do not take this as a personal attack, even if it was inteded to be so. Since I am obviosly  out numbered, I will give you all the final word. It has been nice talking with you, that is not passive aggresive, that is about 65% true. Alright, maybe 42%. Peace.

Re: The Inevitable Religious talk/debate thread (keep it classy)
« Reply #69 on: December 06, 2011, 03:08:17 PM »

John B.

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ok it seems like i can not rid myself of this forum and I feel I must participate,So to whoever earlier asked why I felt I could not truely talk to you guys the reason is I can't make you read anything I post, so you might miss half of what I put and then just argue to why what I believe is wrong or what you do is right. To the person who asked to back up my statement which one? also eggman the fact that you say your out numbered here shows that you wanted this to be more of bunch of catholics telling us we were wrong and you would get to be a part of it. I say that you should stay and share your part if you are catholic, you might be the only one, also i will say this I do not say being a christian is what you need to be and catholics are bad, i will say that what i believe is that you relieze that Jesus died for your sins and it is by the grace of God that you can go to heaven, my problem (for lack of a better word) with catholics is you confess your sins to the priest, the question I have (and have a catholic friend who I have been trying to meet up with for the discussion) is why? Jesus died for you, that is who you confess them to and he saves you, your not suppose to go through anyone else.
Do you guys even read this? Like I could have the meaning of life here and I doubt you would know it.

Re: The Inevitable Religious talk/debate thread (keep it classy)
« Reply #70 on: December 06, 2011, 08:11:50 PM »


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FYI, I've never really had any bad experiences (other than the threat of hell etc. that gets thrown into all Christians as kids), but I've seen the damage done to this country of mine and heard the hate, seen the hate.  Never been a victim, though.  I've also seen poverty, hate and misery around the world that I feel was caused by religion (and, I'm sorry but primarily from the RC Church and Islam; it's possibly just because they're the biggest).

@MrMagic, I'm sorry if you feel that your view won't be considered or I'll miss the point of what you're trying to say.  I really do try my best to see things from other people's perspectives and understand what they're saying clearly (and ask if I can't).  I hope if you have anything to say, you won't avoid doing so for that reason.

Re: The Inevitable Religious talk/debate thread (keep it classy)
« Reply #71 on: December 06, 2011, 08:24:29 PM »

John B.

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FYI, I've never really had any bad experiences (other than the threat of hell etc. that gets thrown into all Christians as kids), but I've seen the damage done to this country of mine and heard the hate, seen the hate.  Never been a victim, though.  I've also seen poverty, hate and misery around the world that I feel was caused by religion (and, I'm sorry but primarily from the RC Church and Islam; it's possibly just because they're the biggest).

@MrMagic, I'm sorry if you feel that your view won't be considered or I'll miss the point of what you're trying to say.  I really do try my best to see things from other people's perspectives and understand what they're saying clearly (and ask if I can't).  I hope if you have anything to say, you won't avoid doing so for that reason.

well i was just saying that is why i felt this would go no where, as of now it seems i will stay and be a part of this.
Do you guys even read this? Like I could have the meaning of life here and I doubt you would know it.

Re: The Inevitable Religious talk/debate thread (keep it classy)
« Reply #72 on: December 07, 2011, 03:51:00 AM »

Don Boyer

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religion= faith. faith is believing in something unknown. i have faith that a nuclear war will not happen tonight, however i could be wrong.

No faith is believing in something without reason.  mrMagic had a perfect definition of it earlier in this thread.  You don't need faith that there won't be a nuclear war because there's plenty of evidence to suggest that there won't be.

@Sabbac, There could always be more sensitive measuring devices, flawed data etc. etc. any number of things.  Does this mean that we cannot prove anything for sure, either?  Kind of, but if we set up our test in such a way that any unknown element or anything we have missed does exist, it will be statistically insignificant and shouldn't affect the results.

If my invented creation story is as valid as any other, doesn't that devalue creation stories, generally?  What if I made up a million creation stories?  What if everyone on the planet made up a million creation stories?  If they are all valid, this could continue until the chance of any one of them being correct is infinitesimally small.

One more thing I wanted to clear up with you; atheism is not a belief and is not contradictory to agnosticism.

If you can say "I don't think we can know for sure if there is a God or not', then you are agnostic.  However, you can say that and still believe in god, making you an agnostic theist.

If you can say "I do not believe that there is a God", then you are an atheist.  You may be both an agnostic and an atheist or you may be just an atheist ("I know there is no God").

As I said before, I am an agnostic and an atheist and by the sounds of things, it would seem that you are, too.

@Gunshy1: Religion does not equal faith.  Zen Buddhists do not have faith in some unknown concept regarding higher powers.  But Zen Buddhism is still a religion.  They follow the teachings of a mortal man, Gautama Buddha, who did not want people worshiping him like a god - he recognized himself to be no different than any other man, and any other man could achieve Nirvana just like he did, through any variety of ways.  None of that requires any faith in anything.

@Kanped: We already have hundreds of Creation stories circulating around the world, both scientific and religious.  Of all these possibilities, a maximum of one and only one can be true.  This is how your story is as valid as any of the others.  You made yours up as a joke, but it's no more or less likely to be true than any of the others dreamed up by mankind.  The ones backed by science have some sort of backing to them, but it wouldn't be the first time that things we took for granted as true turned out later to be in error.

We already have ways of accurately measuring certain things.  We have sensors sensitive enough to detect even slight traces of water molecules in a given enclosed space.  We have optical devices capable of revealing the presence or absence of any existing bacteria - we can see down to the molecular and atomic level, so why would we not see anything consisting of many, many molecules?

Atheism is a belief - a belief that there is no god.  Even if you believe in nothing, that, too, is a belief.  Belief doesn't imply religion in any way, though religion in most cases implies a belief in something.

The atheist says: "A god or gods do not exist.  This is what I believe."
The agnostic says: "A god or gods may or may not exist - I don't know for sure.  I'm open to all possibilities, and I'm seeking which of them is true."  This truth can be something internal, it could be something scientific, it could be anything that the agnostic chooses as his tool to measure truth.  Mine "ruler" is that it would require proof based on what we know to be true, which by nature leads to something scientifically found to be true.

These two are mutually exclusive.  One can't state clearly that there is no higher power, while at the same time not being sure if such a higher power exists.  You either believe one exists (some form of theism), believe one doesn't exist (atheism) or just aren't sure and are unwilling to simply go on faith alone (agnosticism).  To be both atheist and agnostic is like being simultaneously pregnant and not pregnant.

I guess I will try to explain before I bow out. I am a bit intolerant against intolerance. I think their was a bit of hate speach that came about after I posted my ideas about the Catholic Church. Their are 1.2 billion Catholics in the world and I guess I did not run into any here. I understand people have problems with Religion. I did at one point myself. In the end, many people hate the Catholic Church for what they think it is, few, if any, hate it for what it is. I did not attack anyone on a personal level nor do I feel I was attacked at a personal level. Dialouge and debate is of value to me, but when you say the basis of one point of view is evil, intelligent debate ends, unless he is talking about evil itself. I can admit I did become hot under the collar and spoke out of turn. If you refer to the start of this, I simply was brining up historical fact which was attacked. Again, I do not take this as a personal attack, even if it was inteded to be so. Since I am obviosly  out numbered, I will give you all the final word. It has been nice talking with you, that is not passive aggresive, that is about 65% true. Alright, maybe 42%. Peace.

"Intolerant against intolerance"?  So you don't tolerate yourself because of your own intolerance?

I was baptized a Catholic.  I've seen the Church, heard its teachings, even made it as far as the Sacrament of Penance - and skipped ahead to the Sacrament of Marriage, but that's another story.  I find them at times to be very intolerant.  It's one reason why I no longer consider myself to be Catholic.

Your statements are passive aggressive.  "I'm alone in my beliefs so I'm taking my toys and going home" is generally what you said.  I particularly found your percentages of how nice it has been talking to us as a sign of passive aggression.

No one accused your belief of being evil - the acts of mortal men and women can be evil, but belief in a God in Heaven isn't evil or not evil; it's your choice, your faith.  That there are mortal men in the Church who have committed heinous acts is not a reflection on your faith, but on those people who share your faith and committed those acts, particularly the ones in positions of authority within your Church.  It would seem they chose to ignore certain basic teachings of your shared faith - in other words, they're as human as the rest of us, and as flawed.  Giving blind obedience to any flawed mortal person in the name of any God is not my idea of a good idea, although the Catholic Church considers this a requirement.
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Re: The Inevitable Religious talk/debate thread (keep it classy)
« Reply #73 on: December 07, 2011, 10:21:05 AM »


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The ones backed by science have some sort of backing to them, but it wouldn't be the first time that things we took for granted as true turned out later to be in error...

Atheism is a belief - a belief that there is no god.  Even if you believe in nothing, that, too, is a belief.  Belief doesn't imply religion in any way, though religion in most cases implies a belief in something.

The atheist says: "A god or gods do not exist.  This is what I believe."
The agnostic says: "A god or gods may or may not exist - I don't know for sure.  I'm open to all possibilities, and I'm seeking which of them is true."

a) The difference is that science does not make assumptions and force the evidence or lack thereof to fit that assumption, it asserts and test and is impartial until the results are clear.  I'll completely agree that mistakes and false positives can and will be made but I think that this is a better way to test for truth and until better findings are discovered, better evidence is presented, I will accept that as far as we CAN know, the results of this method of testing are true.

b) I'm sticking to my definition of what atheism is; it is the definition used by the Brights Movement, the Atheist Community of Austin, even Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris et. al.  If you are an atheist, you must also be gnostic or agnostic (this is also true if you are a theist or a deist, or anything else).  Gnosticism is asserting that you know, absolutely what is true regardless of what that assertion is; only a gnostic atheist says 'I believe there is no god'.  An agnostic atheist, like myself says 'I do not believe there is a god'.  Atheism is not a belief but a lack of a particular belief in a deity; this is the definition that is most commonly used.

here's the (contracted) entry;
Atheist, agnostic, refer to persons not inclined toward religious belief or a particular form of religious belief. An atheist  is one who denies the existence of a deity or of divine beings. An agnostic  is one who believes it impossible to know anything about God or about the creation of the universe and refrains from commitment to any religious doctrine."

Those are not mutually exclusive; I deny the existence of a deity ("I do not believe in god") but I also accept that it is impossible to know anything a god, if there is one (I'm confident the 'creation' and in fact the notion of a creation can be explained by mankind and will be at some point, probably before too long).

Re: The Inevitable Religious talk/debate thread (keep it classy)
« Reply #74 on: December 09, 2011, 10:02:52 PM »


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