I guess it comes down to how one defines agnosticism. I generally call indifference secularism, and I call "unsure, yet seeking the truth" agnosticism.
I consider atheism to be the total disbelief in man-made assumptions of any deities, and the indifference to the minuscule probability of some sort of higher being.
And yes, it is theists that live the way I described, not agnostics. However, agnostics can lean one way or another. A priest can question his faith and be agnostic, and an atheist can wonder of the possibility of a god and be agnostic. My wager simply states that it's always wiser to prepare for the probable. Bring sun screen to a beach, not a tranquilizer gun. Live a good, full life - not a half life where you cower in fear and base your actions off of someone else's decisions and not your own.
I think the easiest combatant to Christian views (since Judaism has no Hell, this does not apply) is that Hitler can go to Heaven by accepting Jesus and finding God. Now as far as we know, that didn't happen (although he was a Christian). However, it's a fact that plenty of murderers, rapists and all-around horrible people "found God" and are now permitted into Heaven as per Christian dogma. Meanwhile, all the fantastically amazing people that denounced Jesus (not just atheists, but any non-Christian) are going straight to Hell.
So my options are Heaven with the rapists and evangelicals, or Hell with the rest of civilization.
Also, what even IS Heaven? Can you have sex in Heaven? Do you have to get married before you do that there, or is that just an arbitrary rule created for the world of man?
Also, why is it that if I rape a woman, I have to pay her some money and marry her as punishment, but if I so much as think about wanting what my friend has, I am punished in the after life? In other words, why isn't "Do not rape" a commandment? Why is "Do not be jealous" a commandment on the same level as "Do not kill"?
The Bible is a scary place. It gets less brutal in the New Testament, but far more hypocritical and obtuse since it's basically just the writings of various people that change over time.