I have to be honest...I didn't read carefully and didn't know that shipping wasn't included until I caught up on this thread. I pledged for one unit, and just upped my pledge for the $11 shipping charge. Trouble is, I added the additional 5 deck modules. Would those be included in the $11 shipping, or is there an additional shipping charge just for them. I'm not going to pull my pledge, but the non-included shipping has left me a bit disappointed in my "Hey, that's a pretty good deal" thinking. It's a cool item, and I appreciate the transparency, but I'm now up to $68 (If I remember correctly) to display $15 decks. I can imagine that realizing that they forgot to to include shipping in their pledge will cause some backers to pull their pledge, maybe when it's time to pay after the campaign is over. It's the person pledging that is responsible for reading thoroughly, but many don't. I've backed close to 200 projects on KS so far, and I'm even guilty of skipping over the details from time to time. I hope that the project is funded, and that it doesn't fail due to folks dealing with the separate shipping charge. It sucks that good-intentioned transparency on the part of an honest creator can cause such an issue.