I wanna add that he also wrote
I want to thank http://unitedcardists.com and http://www.playingcardforum.com and all my Facebook friends for helping me stay on track with this design. You all have been essential in my progress as a card designer even though the feedback has been very tough to handle sometimes, but it is necessary. I need continued feedback to update this design, so everyone can be proud of it! Thank you!
The name and the stone and setting will be changed. I need your help! Please leave some feedback!
Couple things, Lonnie Dalson Is a freaking awesome name. And if you read this Lonnie I plan on using it for a song I just sold as a pen name.
Im not sure of Lonnie's vision or ultimate plan. It looks like he has pondered a few different directions from film making to card design. He is willing to stick his neck out, take tough criticism and appears to be searching for a form of expression. Art at the core is for the artist, the term "starving artist" wouldnt exist if it wasn't. (they would be called dumb dumbs that should of gone to business school.)
Whatever form of expression Lonnie settles on I hope he keeps in mind that money and funding do not correlate to artistic worth.