You could always consider combined shipping from forwarders since most KS projects offer free domestic shipping within US. You still have to pay, but it saves quite a bit.
which forwarders do you use? if I may ask..
are they reliable? I mean will the item get damaged?
I did quite a lot of research back then, but i seriously cant remember all of them
(just a quick google search came up with shipito, myus, ship2me. and this --> I did not read any of this, just a glimpse, so please do check it out yourself.
I did search quite a few, but i ended using the one from my local post office, where i will ship to their warehouse in the US with free storage for a month.
After that, i will ship back the whole lot, and do save on quite a considerable sum to be honest. Only reason why i chose this was that they have a lot of credit card promotions or monthly promotions that offer additional 10-30% discount, and in turn, more savings for me.
I do not do repacking, so as long as the retailer packs the cards well enough, there shouldn't be too much issue. If it happens that you do get damaged decks, just inform the retailer and i believe they will ask you to send photographic evidence and they will replace it. I personally do not recommend repacking as i feel the packers do not understand how delicate the cards are, as to them, it is just a deck of cards. But ultimately, it is your choice. Go source around and see which suits to your needs the best.