I saw gold ink on the black backs from the photos on kardify and again here, maybe metallic? Hard to tell in the photo but it doesn't look brown.
I like the courts. Sky Blue instead of black is a nice touch on the pips, all come fly with me. I don't much like the AoC, palm trees again haha. Not only do I not like palm trees to begin, or heart of palm for that matter (Specially if it's pickled in brine, ugh. It's edible if it's not.), but the minimal (Malibu) deck, didn't exactly help any. That's just me though, sometimes you just don't like a certain something. Others probably love the palms, all that.
Side note: Anyone else think the photo of two lighters and burning card is completely stupid? It's the 80's anymore and not cool. I wish people would stop making that silly crap. Playing cards, paper, it burns. We got it the first time, years ago. Side note to side note: Burning planes, even worse.