Heh yeah my wife complains about my card collection all the time too!
Out of curiosity Don, how do you organize/display yours? Would love to see some pics!
You're 100% right there's nothing wrong with a simple campaign... On the other hand there's nothing wrong with a beautiful coin either ;-)
Very little of my collection is on display. The bulk of it lives in two places.
In one corner of my bedroom, I have stacks of "monster boxes" - boxes used by CCG/sports/trading card collectors with a 5,000-card capacity. I've learned that they hold 125 poker decks in standard packaging very nicely. I think I have either ten or maybe twelve of them, most of which are full to capacity. Those are all sealed decks. I'm also using two for holding deck donations for the kids I perform for at the hospital.
Next to that, I have a stackable drawers, all of which are variants of
this product from Staples. I discovered these when I saw Kevin Reylek using either these exact units or something similar. I have two units side-by-side, with two double-tall drawers at the bottom and eight single-tall drawers above. Each single drawer hold 45 decks. The double-talls have more than double capacity, but they're also filled with things like oversized packaging and the like. I do have one of those filled with nothing but trick decks - and it's about full to capacity by now. What that capacity is, I have no idea! Ideally, I'd buy a third unit by now, but ideally I'd also remain married to my wife - the two scenarios appear to be mutually exclusive!
Now, if no one objects, we should stop getting tangential and let Brendan have his deck topic back! If you'd like to continue the chat, either PM or an appropriate topic would be best...