That is the kind of detective work I have come to expect from you Don! Good work.
As an aside, last weekend my step-son (Taylor) had a sleep over for his 12th birthday. One of the other kids taught him how to throw playing cards and he was instantly addicted. I told him that Chris Ferguson could cut a banana in half with a thrown card, so he has a goal. I realize that in roughly 99.99% of households, throwing playing cards can be a fun activity that doesn't result in wild fluctuations in Net Worth. As for the members here, I'm sure you have at least a few decks you'd prefer not see repurposed into projectiles...
Yesterday afternoon I come home with this magnetic deck, showed it to Taylor, and before I could stop him, King of Hearts is flying across the room. My wife, who was was a disinterested 3rd party in the matter, did a good job of keeping the peace and restoring my blood pressure to something on the high end of normal. The King seems to have come through the incident unscathed, as did Taylor, but it was a near thing. I didn't have illusions that this was a particularly valuable deck, but I did, in a somewhat raised voice, declare Executive Proclamation #619, which states: If playing cards must be thrown, members of our family are strongly encouraged to toss only cards manufactured in their year of birth or after.
Based on the dating system above, it looks like this deck enjoyed a peaceful existence for roughly 50 years, ended within hours of my purchasing it.